Electrical Upgrade Ideas For This Summer

May 16, 2023

Summer is an excellent opportunity to upgrade your electrical systems to improve home safety, efficiency, and comfort. From improving landscape lighting to protecting against power surges, numerous electrical upgrade ideas are worth considering this summer. In this article, HomeOps Electric looks at five ideas to maximize the use of your home’s electrical systems this season with the assistance of our electricians in Brentwood.

1.      Landscape And Security Lighting Solutions

Landscape and security lighting can add both beauty and safety to your property. Installing lighting around its exterior can increase visibility while dissuading potential intruders from entering. Furthermore, well-placed landscape lighting can bring architectural and landscaping features to life-giving your property a striking, eye-catching aesthetic that stands out.

When considering landscape and security lighting, it is essential to consider which types of lights you wish to use carefully. LEDs are an ideal option, as they are energy-efficient with a long lifespan. Furthermore, various colors and brightness levels are available, so it can be easy to design custom lighting schemes tailored specifically for you.

2.      Backup Power Generator Systems

An investment in a backup power generator system is an ideal way for homeowners to ensure they remain powered during a blackout or other power outage. Portable generators can easily be moved around as needed, while whole-house systems provide power to your entire house.

When choosing a backup power generator system, it is essential to consider the size of your home and what appliances need power during an outage. Consulting with an electrician is highly recommended to find an appropriate system and ensure its installation correctly.

3.      Ceiling Fans

A popular home upgrade among homeowners looking to enhance their residences’ energy efficiency and comfort is adding ceiling fans. Ceiling fans help circulate air throughout your home, making it feel cooler during hot summer days while cutting costs by decreasing how often you use air conditioning units. Furthermore, installing these fans could lower energy costs by cutting air conditioning use!

Before choosing a ceiling fan for your room, it is essential to consider both its size and style. Modern or traditional fans are available; find one that complements your decor!

4.      Whole House Surge Protection

Power surges can damage your home’s electrical systems and appliances, leading to costly repairs or replacements. Installing a whole-house surge protection system is one solution to avoid these costly repairs or replacements by protecting against power surges caused by lightning, utility issues, or any other electrical disturbances.

It is essential that when selecting a whole house surge protection system, it is carefully considered what level of protection you require. There is a range of surge protectors to meet all types of electrical needs, so be sure that you select one suitable for your electrical setup.

5.      LED Lighting for Homes

Energy-efficient and long-lasting LED lights offer an efficient lighting solution for homeowners looking to reduce energy costs and environmental impacts. LEDs consume less power than traditional bulbs while lasting longer — helping you save money on bills while decreasing waste generated.

When purchasing LED lighting, it’s essential to consider its color temperature and brightness level requirements. LED lights come in various hues and brightness levels, so you must select one that meets your requirements.

HomeOps Electric

HomeOps Electric’s team of qualified, experienced electricians in Commack can assist with your electrical upgrade needs. Whether it is adding more light to your home, protecting it from power surges, or installing a backup power generator system, our electricians have the knowledge and expertise to meet them all. Our team will take great care in understanding your specific requirements before creating tailored solutions tailored specifically for both budget and timeline — using only high-grade materials and equipment. Hence, your upgrades remain long-term and reliable. Contact us now to set up a consultation and get going!

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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