What New Parents Often Overlook When Creating A Nursery

September 5, 2024

So, the big day is coming, and you are putting the final touches on the nursery. The crib is perfect, the walls are painted a calming pastel, and you have picked out the cutest little mobile to hang overhead. But before you kick back and wait for the baby’s arrival, take a moment to consider a few things that might have slipped through the cracks. 

Believe it or not, it is easy to focus on the big-ticket items and forget about the finer details that can make all the difference in your baby’s first space. So, with that all said, here is what you might be overlooking!

How Is The Lighting?

When planning a nursery, most parents think about lighting in the most basic terms: nightlight for midnight feedings, check. But the reality is that lighting can have a profound impact on your baby’s sleep and mood. Yes, it is like that for adults, even children, but it is no different for babies either.

So, harsh, overhead lights can be jarring for a little one who needs a calm environment to wind down. So, you might want to consider adding a dimmer switch to the room so you can adjust the brightness as needed. You could even get a smart light bulb and program everything from your phone.

Think About Your Storage

Storage is one of those things you can never have too much of, especially in a nursery. Sure, you have a cute dresser and maybe some shelves, but have you thought about where all those tiny socks, blankets, and diapers will actually go? It is amazing how much stuff a tiny human can accumulate. 

So that is why it’s going to be a really good idea to just go ahead and consider adding bins, baskets, and even under-crib storage to keep things organized and within reach.

You Need The Right Flooring

One of the most overlooked aspects of a nursery is what is underfoot. While hardwood floors might be the trend, carpet is a much better choice for a baby’s room. Sure, there are more than enough cute nursery rugs out there, but with or without those rugs, you are still going to need to make sure the flooring itself is soft. But why?

Well, it provides a soft, cushioned surface for those inevitable falls when your little one starts toddling around. Plus, it helps insulate the room, keeping it warm and cozy and does wonders for sound absorption. Less noise means better sleep for everyone. Just make sure you are looking into a carpet company that can help you with installation because DIYing the installation is far from easy.

How Heavy Is Your Wall Décor?

Now, decorating the walls of a nursery is a fun task, but it is easy to go overboard with decorations that are not entirely baby-friendly. If you go on Pinterest, chances are high that you are going to see nurseries with heavy frames, mirrors, wooden floating shelves, and so on. Sure, they are adorable, but they are not needed. Actually, these might even be a risk!

Air Quality

It is not the first thing that comes to mind when designing a nursery, but air quality is pretty important. Babies are sensitive to pollutants and allergens, so it is worth investing in an air purifier to keep the air clean and fresh. Sure, a plant or two might be nice, but an air purifier is by far the most important.  

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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