Buenos Aires

My Secret Adventure (Part 5)

July 1, 2011
When I walked into my room at Hotel Moreno, any sign of jetlag immediately disappeared as I was completely enchanted by my surroundings. I am typically drawn to boutique hotels with a shabby-chic, eclectic feel to them as they are graced with a human touch, but there is something about...

My Secret Adventure (Part 4)

June 29, 2011
There is no secret that I have a crush, but the crush is on a hotel and not a person!  In May, I had the honor of staying at Hotel Moreno (you can read about my stay here and here) and when my flight last week was changed unexpectedly and...

My Secret Adventure (Part 3)

June 26, 2011
I was given a sneak peak at some of the pictures that the incredibly talented photographers Frances and Duff took of the day I surprised Lucas from start to finish.  I decided to share the pictures with you, but I am not going to explain what is happening in each one. ...

My Secret Adventure (Part 2)

June 25, 2011
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurprise I am in Buenos Aires, Argentina!!!  You did not think there was any way in this big, beautiful world that I was going to miss my husband's Birthday did you?  Thanks to one of the most generous women alive (she knows who she is) I was gifted a plane...

My Wedding & Honeymoon: Day 5 + Giveaway

June 20, 2011
As a wedding present to Lucas and I, a guest at our wedding offered to do a mini-engagement shoot.  We were of course elated, as there was no other way for us to have had one since up until our wedding week we had been 5,000 miles apart.  By now, most...