Tag Archives: family

Seven Tips To Create Lasting Memories With Your Baby

February 6, 2019
If you have just had a baby, then you might be feeling overwhelmed. You have more responsibilities and also this new life to spend time with. However, one of the big questions on your mind might by how you can create lasting memories with your baby. After all, they will...

Mother Of The Bride Dresses: Wedding Makeup Tips For The Mother Of The Bride

February 5, 2019
The day when you get to have the title "mother of the bride" will be one of the happiest days of your life. You will be celebrating the fact that your daughter is finally going to have her family. For this reason, you also need to ensure that you look...

How To Make Nature More Exciting For Kids

January 31, 2019
Do you struggle to get your kids outdoors more? Thanks to technology, it is become increasingly difficult to get kids to spend time away from their screens. Some shocking studies even revealed many children spend less time outdoors than prisoners do. The fresh air and outdoor play is crucial to...


January 26, 2019
父母與新生嬰兒親近的最佳方法之一就是替寶寶洗澡,最理想的洗澡密度為一週三至四次。由於初生嬰兒身體仍在發育,他們的皮膚相對敏感,因此他們不需要像成年人一樣經常洗澡。洗澡時用上一些安全的嬰兒洗澡產品,例如aveeno嬰兒護膚品,能夠防止皮疹,同時也慢慢去除可能積聚在身體某些區域的舊皮膚和污垢顆粒。 在新生兒洗澡的課題上,父母和看護人應首先考慮嬰兒的安全。洗澡區域和更衣區域必須保持整齊清潔,以避免任何不必要的意外。以下是父母和看護人需要注意的一些安全提示,以確保寶寶有一個無憂的洗澡時間: 集齊洗澡用品:包括嬰兒沐浴乳、洗髮水、洗滌布帶、衣服、毛巾,把這些用品都放在籃子裡方便移動。 預備房間和浴水:房間的理想溫度應該是溫暖而不是寒冷,而浴水溫度理應是100華氏度或37攝氏度,以避免過冷或過熱。如果您沒有沐浴溫度計,請將肘部浸入水中檢查。 用3英寸水填充嬰兒浴盆:避免過度填充浴缸,因為它會濺到地板上並使其滑溜。將嬰兒單獨留在浴缸中也可能是一個安全問題,即使水深很淺;因為新生嬰兒在無人看管時會很容易淹死在一英寸的水中。 隨時隨地看顧嬰兒:如果你要離開嬰兒,那怕只需要一秒鐘,你務必用毛巾包裹你的嬰兒並隨身攜帶。 緊抱嬰兒:肥皂浴可能很滑溜,這是一個已知的事故原因。穿上橡膠墊和吸水毛巾,保持你的地板和櫃檯暢通無阻。 沐浴後立即用毛巾包裹:讓嬰兒暴露在露天環境太久會讓它們着涼。 考慮到這些預防措施,父母和看護人可以安全地為孩子洗澡,並在他們長大後與他們保持親密。與新生嬰兒洗澡期間,當他們習慣了水溫和周圍環境時,你可以嘗試用溫和的語氣與寶寶說話。當你細看他們時,你可能還會注意到寶寶身體周圍的薄片和漸漸脫落的皮膚; 記得輕輕地洗一下寶寶的身體而不要過份用力地擦他們的皮膚。 這些薄片通常會自行剝落,儘管您可能需要使用濕潤的毛巾將它們遠離敏感區域,如鼻孔,眼睛和嘴巴周圍。但是,如果您發現這些片狀物比平常更長時間,您可能需要安排與您的醫生預約,看看是否有任何並發症。

How To Diagnose Symptoms Of A UTI In Toddlers And How To Fix The Problem

January 25, 2019
Most parents think that it is not possible for their toddlers to develop UTIs. Nothing could be further from the truth. From fecal matter getting into the urethra, to stale urine in diapers finding its way back to the urethra, there are many causes for UTIs. Thus, it is always...