Tag Archives: life

The Most Defining Moments Of My Careers (Part 1)

Healing Hands Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic
March 13, 2016
I never know how to respond to someone when they ask me, "What do you do?" When I tell them that I have three careers they look at me like I am crazy, especially now that I am a mom. I can never get away with just saying, "I am...

The Inside Scoop

Smash Cake Photoshoot
March 6, 2016
I came across an interesting interview on the Monica + Andy website and it inspired me to ask the same questions that were posed to another mother to myself. If you are a fellow mother/blogger I encourage you to do the same and please let me know when you have posted your...

A Sneak Peek Into Our New House

The Ledesma House
March 2, 2016
On Leap Year we closed on our new house! Although the day itself was incredibly stressful, I will forever remember it as one of the best days of my life. [caption id="attachment_29599" align="aligncenter" width="508"] I took this picture of the keys to our new house just outside of our lawyer's office...

Review: Style RX

Style RX
February 23, 2016
Now that we bought a house, I am constantly on the lookout for stylish and chic home decor. When I was introduced to Style RX -- a designer pill box case that is touted as "not your mother's pillbox" -- I had to have it! I hate having any pills of...

Currently | 02.19.16

The Ledesma Family
February 19, 2016
Watching | The Oscar Nominated Movies > My husband and I used to go to the movies once a week before our son was born. Now that Joaquín is here, we are lucky if we go to the movies once every six months. So, I downloaded all of the Oscar nominated movies and...