Tag Archives: life

Clinic Reveal (Part 2)

Healing Hands Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic
January 28, 2016
If you would like to know about the history of my Chinese Medicine Wellness Center, Healing Hands Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic, then please visit here to read all about it. When I made the decision to redecorate my treatment room, I first decided on the main colors of the space. I chose: white, gold, and rose...

Review: Delta Temp2O Showerhead

Delta Temp2O Showerhead
January 24, 2016
I never knew how important the temperature of the water is while taking a shower or bath until I had a baby. One of the first things that I bought after Joaquín was born was a thermometer for his daily bath. Our Pediatrician had explained to us in the hospital that...

Clinic Reveal (Part 1)

Healing Hands Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic
January 18, 2016
For some reason unbeknownst to me, I still constantly meet people who know about my blog My Beautiful Adventures and know that I am a professional photographer, however they do not know that I practice Chinese Medicine. I find this so interesting, because to me those other careers are extremely important...

Joaquín’s First Birthday (Part 2)

Baby James Bond Smash Cake Party
January 15, 2016
People started asking me about what I was going to do for Joaquín's first Birthday months after he was born! I was in shock. That and "when are you having your next?" Please do not ask a mom that latter question while she is still recovering from giving birth. Nevertheless,...

Joaquín’s First Birthday (Part 1)

Family Photo Shoot
January 10, 2016
So, in other news. . .the mini-love-of-my-life turned one last week and I am still in shock! I handled the day as gracefully as possible and then at 5:56PM (his birth time), I was completely overwhelmed with emotion and I proceeded to sob for ten minutes straight. My poor son had...