Tag Archives: lifestyle

The Ring Symbology Of Each Finger

July 8, 2016
There is more to wearing rings than simply adding a piece of beautiful jewelry to your hand. Rings have meaning. They represent a lot more than we imagine, especially when worn on specific fingers. Historically and culturally, wearing a ring on a specific finger bore deep meaning. Learning the symbolism...

A Year And A Half With Joaquín

Joaquín Alejandro Ledesma
July 8, 2016
For some reason, Joaquín turning a year and a half old seems like such a huge milestone to me! The newborn and baby days are gone now and he is deeply into the toddler stage. I am not going to lie, I both love and hate this age. It is...

Review: Colleen Rothschild Skincare

Colleen Rothschild Beauty
July 3, 2016
Lately I am all about my skin, since I do not wear makeup often due to having a toddler. One of my biggest regrets in life was not taking better care of my face in my 20's. Thankfully, I am not seeing too many signs of wear and tear from extreme sun abuse...

Why You Should Take A Trip To A City Before You Move There

June 29, 2016
Moving to a new city is exciting. It means a new job, new friends, and new adventures! However, starting a new life is also a big decision. It helps to take a trip to a new city before you move to make sure that you are making the right decision....

Healthy Eating For Your Family: How You Can Do It With Little Effort

June 27, 2016
Cooking healthy food for your family often sounds easy, but in reality it can be much harder. Many families have two busy, working parents. They can struggle to find the time to make healthy meals and snacks. Even those people who do have time find it hard to summon the...