Tag Archives: moving

Where To Put Unwanted Furniture When Moving House From Toronto To New York

May 8, 2024
A common story: You are going for a moving from Toronto to New York, and it turns out that you do not need some of the furniture. Maybe you decided to update the interior. Maybe the old cabinets and sofas do not fit in the new apartment. Or change the...

How To Prepare Children For Moving

December 20, 2023
While there are loads of reasons that people move, and they can all be exciting and fun - children often have some trepidation about moving to a new place. New friends, a new school, leaving people and things behind, a new bedroom - it is a big shake-up for them....

Moving Home On The Cards? Here Is How To Make It An Easy Process

November 7, 2023
Moving home? It happens to be one of the most stressful things you can do in life, and for good reason. There is so much upheaval and things you have to do, not just during the move, but in the lead-up and once you have gotten into your new place....

Staying Connected with Friends and Family After Moving Far Away

October 2, 2023
Moving away from friends and family is never easy. Despite the distance, however, there’s a ton you can do to keep your relationships healthy and resilient. Below we offer a few tips on how to stay connected. Not all of them will apply to every reader and every long-distance relationship,...

Six Tips For A Cross-Country Move

Cross-Country Move
September 5, 2023
[caption id="attachment_77333" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Photo by Ketut Subiyanto: pexels[/caption] It's natural for individuals to feel connected to the house, city, and country they call home. Packing your entire life and leaving your homeland is not an easy decision. However, sometimes, you have to take that plunge for a better life....