Tag Archives: photography

SoundBub By WavHello: A Mom-Hack That I Love

October 10, 2016
I have made music a huge part of Joaquín's life since the moment he was born. I could tell from a very early age that he really enjoyed it and it brought a lot of happiness into his life. Thus, when I heard about a product that combined music with...

Andi’s Pick: Charlotte Marriott City Center

Charlotte Marriott City Center
October 9, 2016
Charlotte Marriott City Center: Charlotte, North Carolina First Impression Three years ago, when I was pregnant on my Birthday, my parents wanted me to have a staycation in order to pamper myself before the baby arrived. They booked me a night sans husband at the Charlotte Marriott City Center and...

Three Addictive Hobbies That Make You Want To Travel More

September 18, 2016
In the 1991 unforgettable action/thriller movie Point Break, surfer and bank robbers’ gang leader Bodhi was passionately talking about a surfer’s search for the best waves all around the world. Hunting for something that really makes your heart beat and your soul fill with joy is the curse and the...

Joaquín’s First Trip (Day 1: Part 1)

Joaquín Alejandro Ledesma
September 11, 2016
While I was pregnant with Joaquín, I saved every single article and blog post in which I stumbled across that had to due about traveling with children. I was determined to start exploring the world with him the second he was born. His baby shower and nursery were both travel-themed and my husband and I...

Getting Comfydent With Hanes

Date Night
August 13, 2016
Now that I am a mom, I am all about comfort! If something is not comfortable, I will refuse to wear it period. That is why I am completely smitten with both Hanes' ComfortFlex Fit® bra and Cool Comfort® underwear. They help me stay comfortable, and when I am comfortable I feel...