“If we truly want to know the secret of soulful travel, we need to believe that there is something sacred waiting to be discovered in virtually every journey.”
Phil Cousineau
Prologue: When I stepped foot for the first time exactly five years ago in South America, I was definitely on a journey for the sacred. I had just painfully ended a six year relationship and while I was slowly healing with each passing day, I was ready for my heart to be filled with passion for life again and I knew that traveling would be the exact catalyst I needed. I sold my engagement ring and bought a ticket to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Little did I know that not only was I going to fall head over heels in love with the city, but also with the man of my dreams there.
“Our story” that took place over the last half decade is one that deserves to be written about and shared with the world and that is exactly what I intend on doing one day in the form of a romantic travelogue. For now, I will say there were of course ups and downs due to the long distance, but our love was strong enough to make it work in the end, as you will see in the upcoming posts.
Seven months ago I took a life changing solo trip to Brasil. Brasil is one of those places where you find yourself pondering selling all of your belongings and moving there immediately to live out the rest of your days. So, when my Argentine boyfriend, Lucas, suggested we meet in Brasil only four months after that trip, I did not hesitate before saying sim! The only thing I requested was that we visit a city neither of us had been to before. We researched the perfect place for our rendezvous and eventually settled on Buzios, a city two hours north of Rio de Janeiro.
Lucas and I wanted this to be a special trip, thus we decided that we would splurge on luxury accommodations. I asked several of my Brasilian friends for their top choice and every single one said Casas Brancas. Thankfully, due to it being the off-season they still had a room available for an affordable price, as I was only giving them two weeks notice.
As my plane arrived in Rio, I truly felt like I had returned “home.” My flight arrived earlier than Lucas’ and so I found myself a coffee and waited on the other side of customs for him while soaking up the energy of Brasil. It had been almost a year since I had seen Lucas, but when I was finally in his arms it felt like we had only been apart for one minute. Casas Brancas sent us a car and before I knew it we were on our way to Paradise.
Buzios has become a playground for Cariocas wanting to escape the urban life of Rio. It is a peninsula with over twenty beaches tucked into its curves and coves. Some of the beaches are less than a hundred feet wide, while others are more than a mile long — each one offering its own charm. We intended to explore as many of them as we could over the next five days.
As our car pulled up to Casas Brancas I was not sure which sight to marvel at: Buzios or the pousada? Both met my definition of perfection.
There is a sensation that we explorers get, I would liken it to a “traveler’s high,” when we find ourselves in a place that feels so right that the thought of leaving is almost painful. That is exactly what I was feeling while looking out onto Buzios Bay.
Our room was not quite ready, so we continued to wander around the grounds taking pictures, as well as drinking caipirinhas. Yeah, it was barely 11AM, but when in Brasil, do as the Brasilians do, right?
Once we were let into our room, I can promise you it did not disappoint. Unfortunately, I did not think to take pictures of the room itself, as I was too preoccupied with the view from our private veranda.
We relaxed into our lounge chairs and pondered how we should celebrate our first day together again. . .

Amen to life changing solo trips to brasil!
Your photos blow me away… I have a Brazilian friend who is from Florianopolis and I’ve been dying to go to Brazil to visit her and haven’t been able to yet. Your photos sparked the fantasy again! Did you find RIo to be extremely dangerous?
Just caught up on your blog! This month has been crazy busy, we need to catch up! I can’t wait to hear about the wedding planning
Wow, great pictures! Brazil is definitely a country that screams out exploration. The amount of press releases I’m receiving about gorgeous resorts in the North of the country and it makes me insanely jealous!
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The perfect place to fall in love.
Wow! Your pictures are beyond gorgeous. What a place to reunite with your guy! I can’t wait to read more about it.
I also think I need to plan a trip to Brazil…
Of course there was only one view – L. I knew that was what you meant
Beautiful! I’m coming to Brazil too one day! I can’t wait how the story unfolds since we know the ending. hehe.
I give you major credit for rocking a bikini on your blog, girl! Cute man, too.
Holy goodness those pictures are amazing. Must. Visit. Brazil.
Wow, how utterly beautiful! Your first day is the stuff travel dreams are made of!
YOU are so cute!
What an amazing place to rendezvous after not seeing each other for nearly a year! It’s beautiful!
Wow, it’s beautiful. I’m glad you find the Mr. Right and move away from the past and had a great adventure ahead of you. He looked so happy at the Balcony (Probly cuz you’re looking at him ehhe). Best of lucky girl. This is a sweet story to meet a man of your dream at a different place.
WOW! This place looks amazing. Looks like the perfect place to start anew.
Hmmmm, wow? what a place. Brazil is near the top of my list, this juts made it that much more tempting. Cool blog.
Those photos are truly motivating. Look at those views! And I’m glad that you felt such a strong connection to the place. I often visit places that I find beautiful and interesting, but to feel something deeper is really special.
By the way, love your earrings in the profile shot!
A hell of a time. Maybe i’m going to interrogate you a lot someday about visitng Brasil Andi.
By the way, i love you sold your engagement ring for travel purposes. That’s more sexy than marriage :p
Gorgeous! The perfect start to a dream vacation!
What gorgeous views. By the way, when I read “I was ready for my heart to be filled with passion for life again and I knew that traveling would be the exact catalyst I needed”. I nodded and knew exactly what you meant. I was at that point a few years ago too.
I have a country that feels like “home” to me too so I can relate to that. For me, it’s Thailand.
This makes me miss Buzios. I spent many weekends up there visiting a friend and hanging out in the downtown area or sipping caiparinhas on the beach.
Dude. I have a traveler’s high just LOOKING at these photos. AHHH, want to go back to Brazil so bad! and maybe to Argentina again just to oggle the hot guys
PS. You look smoking!
oh this looks beyond beautiful!! i just may be adding buzios to my ‘must-visit’ list!
Stunning picture, and the view is nice too!
Seriously, your pictures of the ocean remind me a bit of the US Virgin Islands.
Ah you are giving me “saudades” for Brazil! Beautiful pictures amiga, and you look great!
i almost stayed in this pousada when i almost went to brazil with my hubby….instead we decided on argentina’s lake district …now i definitely want to go to buzios!!!!
Thtat is great to see that visiting my country was a life-changing experience for you. Buzios and its region is a lovely place.
As today is the #BeachThursday, I will be posting about Buzios too – some sunset pictures I took a few years ago.
Great blog and great pictures!
Love the story, and the photos are gorgeous! Looking forward to reading more about the story of you and your man
I love all the Brazil posts! I read them backwards but they were just as good! The beautiful photos and your descriptions have inspired me to visit a place I had never heard of before you wrote about it!
I love reading about your love story, you are so strong for dealing with the distance and it proves how strong you two’s love is for each other, there is not much more you can ask for!
Can’t wait to hear more…
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I just signed up to your blogs rss feed. Love it!
I’m dying to go to Brasil!
Brazil looks awesome!
Gorgeous post!
Brasil is the best!
Nice post!
I truly enjoy stuff about Brazil!!!
What a fabulous, wonderful, amazing post!
Quite a beautiful website!