My Wedding & Honeymoon: Day 22-23

April 19, 2012

My husband and I had big, big plans for Fernando de Noronha — dare I say grandiose — since it was after all our ultimate dream destination.  However, before you get too excited about seeing pictures of us from different spots on the archipelago or about reading insider suggestions on things to do and see, let me confess: we did nothing on our agenda.

We found it almost impossible to leave our sanctuary Pousada Maravilha.  What we did enjoy thoroughly though was the hotel’s infinity pool and quite possibly too many caipirinhas.

Would you have been able to leave these breathtaking surroundings?  I have no doubt that the rest of Fernando de Noronha would have dazzled us, maybe even changed our lives, but we were cast under our hotel’s magical spell.

My conclusion: sometimes you want to expand your horizons, while other times the most beautiful adventures are best experienced right where you are.  Oh, and here is a secret that I discovered, if you do not do everything you had set out to do in the first place, well, then you have a great reason to return.


To see the accompanying posts click here and here.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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132 thoughts on “My Wedding & Honeymoon: Day 22-23

  1. Nikki

    Sometimes the best thing to do is NOTHING but enjoy each other. It sounds like bliss. The photos are gorgeous – you’re so beautiful without makeup!

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      Awww you’re making me blush BIG time, thank you!!! And I agree, we felt SO connected after this trip. Doing nothing led to some amazing conversations. 🙂

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      I agree that on your honeymoon, exploration is irrelevant, but we felt like we HAD to do it because we were in our dream destination and had traveled so far to get to it. However, at the end of the day we passed on it and didn’t feel guilty about it either. Yay! And thank you so so so much for your sweet words re: the pic of me. 🙂

  2. Laura

    Umm, I can totally see why! How beautiful!! I had this happen before when I went to Zanzibar. We had big plans to spend a few days on Zanzibar and then a few days hiking near Mt. Kilimanjaro. We got to Zanzibar and never left 🙂 We did manage to spend 1 day off the beach, on a spice tour but that was only so could tell people we did something besides lounging in paradise and snorkeling 🙂 Sometimes that’s just the best way to vacation!

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      I’m so glad that I have people agreeing with me! Zanzibar is another ultimate dream destination for me!!! I will make sure that when I eventually visit that I leave lots of time for doing nothing!

  3. Maria at

    LOVE THIS POST:) So dreamy and colourful…I now follow you on twitter & FB.
    If you want some swedish decor inspiration…you can check out my blog:)
    I wish you a awsome weekend.

    LOVE Maria at

  4. Goody

    Can I say that I’m enving you so much! On your honeymoon you’ve been to several wonderful places! It looks like you’re having a great time!

  5. Driza

    Hello Andi,

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful place! I may not be able to travel the world like you do, but your photos always make me feel like I’ve traveled. If you don’t mind me asking the photos really look good even underwater, what camera are you using?

    Keep on making us happy! You and your husband really look good together!



    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      Dear Driza,

      Thank you for such a gorgeous comment! It really made my day!!! When I can’t travel I live vicariously through others, so I’m glad that you can do that through me. I have an underwater housing case for my p&s Canon S95. Love it! I promise there will be lots of more happy posts in the future.

      Much love,

  6. Andrea

    That’s exactly what we would have done. We are the worst when it comes to hanging out at the hotel when its luxurious. Love the shot where Lucas is spitting out the water – how did you capture those perfect round orbs of water??

  7. Kyle

    Suuuuuch a beautiful place, totally understandable why you didn’t want to leave. Sometimes you just have to listen to what the heart wants…and sometimes the heart doesn’t want to keep touristing around, the heart wants to relax 🙂

  8. Krista

    I’m so glad you just did what felt right, Andi. 🙂 I’ve had some of those moments too. Plans for museums and hikes and restaurants and treks, then ended up resting, sitting, napping, reading. It was glorious. 🙂

  9. Mrs K

    one word AMAZING!!! totally understand that you stayed in the hotel! I wouldnt have done any other thing! the pics looks awesome and I love the underwater pics of you!

  10. Leslie (Downtown Traveler)

    Andi, I have to say I think you missed out! I am totally in love with hotel and it looks AMAZING– I didn’t know Noronha even had luxury properties like this (maybe they arrived since we visited in early 2009); I would love to stay here. But there is so much to see and do in Noronha outside of the resort. Hope you make it back soon so you can snorkel with the sea turtles and dolphins and hike across the desolate beaches! 🙂

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      We did go snorkeling in the beach in front of the hotel, the next post will be about that! Honestly, while we maybe missed out, I’m SO happy we followed our hearts and just chilled out at the hotel. We wouldn’t have had it any other way. 😉

  11. Kristen

    Wow- what a fabulous resort!! A chef I used to work with was from Brasil and always talked about it and those famous “caipirinhas”! Is there such a thing as too many? 🙂 I’m pretty sure honeymoons are for laying around and loving each other all day… check off the agenda to-do list another time!

    P.S. This photography is so lovely, and you look fresh faced and beautiful!

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      Wow what an AWESOME comment, thank you sincerely! I agree, there probably isn’t a thing as too many caipirinhas, especially since we didn’t leave the resort haha. You’re such an angel for your sweet compliments!!!

  12. Julia Manchik

    I had to laugh at your confession. You had every excuse to do absolutely nothing on your honeymoon! You will have plenty of travels together in the future. 🙂 Hope you’re enjoying married life.

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      Haha but you can!!! Why not? Instead of spending money on flowers or the wedding dress, invest it in the honeymoon??? I’m so touched by your kind words re: my pics!

  13. FABBY

    What a fabulous honeymoon pretty girl! You two make a sexi and handsome couple! We did too…37 years ago, lol..hehehee..I love Spain, what a great choise to have fun and enjoy your honeymoon, as it only happens ONCE…(it may many, but not the same as No. UNO!)
    Thanks for the visit, so nice meeting you.
    Happy Earth Day!

  14. Beth

    Hi Andi, I thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment. I am glad to get the chance to visit My Beautiful Adventures, where I am exploring and finding that you do indeed live a very adventurous life! I am impressed by your ability to explore to this extent – how blessed you are! Travel is wonderful. Love this destination, Andi!

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      You’re so welcome and thanks for coming over to mine!!! I’m touched that you checked out my space and that you loved it. Exploration is my greatest passion in life, I definitely feel blessed that I get to live a life of constant fulfillment. XO

  15. ava apollo

    I’m the same way. Every time I travel somewhere, I want to squeeze everything in and do as many activities as possible. It’s never really a relaxing vacation! I think we all need to just sit and relax sometimes, especially on a Honeymoon! You’re allowed 🙂

    The pics are still very pretty!

    1. Andi Perullo Post author

      It really hit me on this trip that I never ever take true vacations where I return feeling more relaxed. I made a vow on our honeymoon that every year we would take at least one true vacay. Thanks for your sweet words re: my pics.

  16. Peter Hoe

    Hi Andrea

    Greetings from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    I’ve been following your blog for sometime.
    I must congratulate you on the beautiful photographs!!!
    And your prose is good too.
    Gypsy or not, you appear to have been born to pen your stories & share to the world.
    Great job done
    Continue to be FABULOUS!!!

  17. Manda

    Oh Andi, I keep coming back to view these honeymoon picks while at work (the boss will probarly kill me haha) but hey a girl can dream…. hehe


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