Brasil: Day 1 (Part 2)

August 19, 2010

Well, I wish I could say that we celebrated our first day together in some grand fashion (though I know not all beautiful adventures have to be filled with excitement in order to be beautiful), but all we really wanted to do was sunbathe, drink, eat, and drink some more.  We had another four days to explore!

According to the staff at Casas Brancas, the ambiance of Buzios once the summer season has come to an end, which is around March, drastically changes.  Honestly, I think it is pointless that there are “seasons” in Buzios, since the weather is gorgeous year-round.  Nonetheless, we were enjoying having what felt like the entire city to ourselves.

The intricate landscape and decorative touches of Casas Brancas makes it almost impossible to even want to leave the grounds.  It was also rumored to have the best sunset view and I make it a point whenever I am traveling to not miss a sunset if possible.  Lucas and I had brought along reading material, however we could not take our eyes away from the dazzling Buzios Bay.  It truly looked like a painting with its perfectly placed fishing boats and islets.

As the sun began to makes its way over the horizon, I decided to try a new drink: a frozen caipirinha.  It was definitely not as good as one on the rocks, although still delicious.

Sunset + Brasil + sexy Argentine + caipirinha = pure, utter bliss!

Once our stomachs started to beg for some food, we began to get ready for dinner.  Just like Argetines, Brasilians dine late, so we made a reservation for 11PM at a nearby Italian restaurant, named Satyricon.  Casas Brancas is only a five minute stroll from the center of town, making it unnecessary for us to ever need a taxi at night.

In the ’60s, a visit to Buzios from the french actress Brigitte Bardot with her Brazilian boyfriend transformed the city overnight from a small fishing village to a dream destiantion.  To thank Ms. Bardot, the city memorialized her by constructing a bronze statue of her sitting on a suitcase.  It is about ten steps away from Casas Brancas, located along the seaside promenade, otherwise known as Orla Bardot, which winds along the water and guides pedestrians into town.  I, of course, had to pose with the statue!

Satyricon’s location is golden, since it right across the street from the ocean.  To take advantage of the ocean breeze, half of the restaurant is open to the water.  It is highly regarded by many as the best restaurant in Buzios.  Unfortunately, the prices reflect its reputation (expect at least $150USD for two people).  The waiter that serviced us was Argentinean and once he discovered that Lucas was as well he generously sent us over a free bottle of wine.  The caprese salad coupled with the basket of complementary focaccia bread would have been enough, however the pasta dish I ordered was so good that I made room for it all.

We needed to walk off dinner, thus we took a pleasant stroll through the main cobblestone street of Rua das Pedras, which is lined with boutiques, gallaries, bars, and cafes that stay open very late.

A constant soundtrack of bossa nova music seemed to play in the background no matter where we were and along with the lapping of the waves against the seawall and the twinkling of the stars in the nightsky, I was 100% convinced, and still am, that Buzious is the most romantic place on earth.

We could have wandered around all night soaking up the incredibleness of everything, but Lucas and I were eager to get some rest in order to have lots of energy to search for our favorite beach the next day!

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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58 thoughts on “Brasil: Day 1 (Part 2)

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention My Beautiful Adventures » Blog Archive » Brasil: Day 1 (Part 2) --

  2. Angie Feazel Mattke

    You have convinced me, too!! Great pictures and music! I enjoy living vicariously with your beautiful pictures.

  3. Joshua Landsberg

    I found your website through a mutual facebook friend Brad Crooks. Your travels are very inspiring. Thanks for taking “us” on a journey around the world.

    All the best,


  4. Kyle

    So far, these posts about Buzios, have been my favorite travel posts of yours EVER! The passion you feel for this place really comes through in your writing.

  5. Sarah Wu

    wow those are really beautiful shots. Like you say, it does feel like a painting. Makes me wnat to go there and just watch the sunset. This is a cute sweet post.. feels like you guys are on honeymoon already. hahah ~_^

  6. Pingback: Best Travel Blog Posts for the week of Aug 30 | yTravelBlog

  7. Sophia

    Congratulations on having one of the most sophisticated blogs Ive come across in some time! Its just incredible how much you can take away from something simply because of how visually beautiful it is. Youve put together a great blog space –great graphics, videos, layout. This is definitely a must-see blog!

  8. Carl

    Awesome, really exceptional important information. This web page is really amazing. I bookmarked it and will come back once once again.

  9. Matt

    Really enjoy your posts great information! Interesting how late they eat there, when I was in Spain it was the same, eating dinner around 10pm and going out at midnight. Have you thought about traveling to Colombia? I am currently here and have to say its amazing! You should check it out!

  10. Pingback: Brasil: Day 2 (Part 3) | My Beautiful Adventures

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