Europe: Day 1 (Part 1)

September 19, 2010

My brother and I arrived in Amsterdam ready to explore, despite being incredibly jetlagged.  We had less than two days and could not afford to waste one moment!  We dropped our bags off at our hotel and set off for some nourishment in the form of breakfast.

We spotted a nearby cafe and as we entered it I was instantly reminded why Europe is just so unbelievably charming.  Where else do you find café after café decorated in such bohemian fashions?  The food just tastes better when you are dining in these surroundings.

After breakfast, we decided to simply get lost.  While it might not have been the most efficient way to see the city, it was certainly the most fun.  As we aimlessly wandered around excited to see what lie around the next corner, I happened to remember a quote I had heard by Thabo Mbeki, the ex-President of South Africa, while traveling there years before,

I am like a cosmic wanderer, driven by the winds to land where they will.

Even though I most likely would have never visited Amsterdam on my own (it just never pulled at my heartstrings), I was there now, and I could not have been more happy.  The winds always take me where I need to go!

Of course what trip to Europe is not complete without a visit to H&M?  My brother had never visited one before and I had to literally drag him out of there after an hour of trying on clothes (okay, so maybe we had to drag each other).  Then we passed by a Coffeeshop, where we might or might not have stopped in.  All I will say is, “When in Rome!”

I truly loved being in a city again that is so pedestrian friendly.  I think that is probably one of the things that I miss most about NYC.  In Charlotte I am constantly lamenting about driving everywhere (thank goodness I have a Prius).

My brother and I are serious soccer fans, so the fact that we were in Europe for the World Cup only made our trip that much more special.  We are both Argentina fans and could not wait for their first match.

Needing a break from walking, we dropped our shopping bags off at our hotel and then headed back out for a cruise along the canals. . .

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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72 thoughts on “Europe: Day 1 (Part 1)

  1. Kay*

    How fabulous are those chandeliers and the gallery wall in that cafe – so incredibly chic!

    Funny Amsterdam was never really on my list of places to add but after reading about it over the past few months I’ve added it to my list. Looking forward to the rest of your European adventure with your brother. Still can’t believe what an awesome gift you gave him!

  2. Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels

    oooh! Amsterdam looks lovely! It’s actually in my travel bucket list, and though my husband isn’t that interested (I guess like you, it just doesn’t tug at his heart strings, either ;-)) I know I’ll make it there sometime.

    Loved the quote, I know exactly what you mean.

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  4. Jamie

    Amsterdam looks amazing, great pictures! I’m 5’9″ too so it’s a special occurrence when I look short next to someone! Great post, have a fun trip!

  5. Camels & Chocolate

    It’s funny: I rarely miss living in Holland until I see someone else’s photos of it. It truly is a visually stunning country (though I wasn’t wild about their attitude toward Americans/expats)!

  6. Sara

    I love your comment about H&M. So true. I’ve never actually been to Amersterdam although my passport claims I have because I had to switch planes. It looks lovely.

  7. Easy Van Living Larry

    Just found your travel blog from a link on never ending voyage. I have to say that I am very impressed and when I have the time, I will be checking out your adventures.

  8. Ali

    Amsterdam has never pulled at my heartstrings either, but looking at your pictures makes me think I might enjoy it. Sounds like you and your brother had a really fun day!

  9. Sarah Wu

    Aww, first of all you and your brother looks so happy during the trip. I never had a trip with my sister, but someday we’ll. I love the cute cafe decor too. I would lvoe to sit in there with nice food and cute decor to stare at. Fun Fun trip girl.

  10. Teresa

    GORGEOUS shots! Looks like you didn’t get rain!! “I am like a cosmic wanderer, driven by the winds to land where they will.” is probably my favorite sentence from your post; absolutely love it!

    So glad you enjoyed Amsterdam 🙂

  11. Sarah

    Ooh, I do love H & M but it’s seriously bad for my travel savings. I’d love to know how pricey you found Amsterdam to be? We’re planning a trip but I’ve been told that it’s incredibly expensive…

  12. Pingback: My Beautiful Adventures » Blog Archive » Europe: Day 3 (Part 1)

  13. Sarah

    Top blog, I had not come across earlier during my searches!
    Continue the wonderful work!

  14. Andrei Gravura

    Hi, just found your blog and you have good content. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future. Thanks,Michael


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