I am not sure when I stumbled across Kyle’s blog? What I am sure of is that after only reading it once I was instantly enchanted by her words. At the time her blog was more of a tribute to the two loves of her life: her Chilean husband and Chile. However, as her photography business evolved her pictures then became the primary focus. I remember leaving a comment on one of her post’s, which had displayed photos from a wedding she had recently shot, that in the future I would hire her to shoot my own wedding — her photos were that impressive. Little did I know that that comment would in fact one day come true!
When I became engaged this past May one of the first things I was able to cross off my gigantic to-do list was ‘hire a photographer.’ I would have planned my wedding around Kyle’s schedule if I would have had to, as once my heart is set on something all other options cease to exist. Kyle had to shoot my wedding; there were no ifs, ands, or buts.
Since Kyle lives in Santiago, my fiancé in Buenos Aires, and I in Charlotte, there was sadly not going to be an engagement session. I did need new head shots though, so before arriving in Santiago I arranged a photography session with her. As the trip approached, Kyle proposed the idea of a boudoir session instead. I instantly agreed, not really giving myself any time to think about my decision. Once it began to sink in that I would be basically posing (tastefully) nude and that my pictures would be on display for the whole world to see I began to rethink my decision. Never one to let fear stop me from anything though, instead of canceling the photo shoot, I upped my personal training sessions at the gym and spent a little too much money at Victoria’s Secret. I know that whenever I am scared of something that simply means that I must do it.
On the morning of the photo shoot, I was surprisingly calm. I am certain the fact that I had only slept a couple of hours and was still feeling the effects from the previous night’s over-consumption of champagne were to blame. After a quick shower and a couple of deep breaths, everyone began arriving to my suite. Kisses and introductions were given and soon I had a cup of coffee in one hand and a glass of champagne in the other, while one person worked on my hair and another on my face.
I have decided to split the photo shoot into three different posts, as there were three distinct looks. Kyle took hundreds of pictures and obviously I will not be displaying all of them, thus if you would like to see more you can find them in my pictures folder on Facebook. Also, Kyle blogged about the entire experience here and here.
She wrote the most touching bio to introduce me to her readers and I thought I would share it with my own readers as well:
I feel that I don’t have the words to describe Andi. She is beautiful, fun, intelligent, kind and exceeded every single expectation that I had of meeting her in real life. I expected to get along great with her. I didn’t expect her to feel like a lifelong friend from the second we first hugged each other at the airport. I expected her to be even prettier in real life. I didn’t expect her to look like a freaking celebrity walking through customs with her sunglasses on. I expected her to be a very cheerful person. I didn’t expect her to be so genuinely joyful that it made me stop and think twice about my own life and how I can try to put that much positivity into the world. She is simply one of those people that radiates light and makes everyone around her better for it. Seriously, if you don’t believe me, go check out her blog and tell me that you don’t leave that website feeling happier than when you came. I have had such a good time having her around in Chile that Emily and I are still trying to plot out a kidnapping plan to make her stay in Chile and NEVER LEAVE US!!! MWAHAHA!
For the first look we wanted me to appear as natural as possible. I had very little makeup on and we were going for “bed head.” The progression was to be from me waking up to me getting ready for some fabulous event.
Without further ado, I invite you to view Kyle’s works of art:
So, which is your favorite picture?
Editors note:
*Hair and makeup was done by the extraordinary Rodrigo Farah. If you are in Santiago and are in need of these services, do not go to anyone else.
*Fashion info: lingerie (La Perla), engagement ring (Le Vian), shoes (Zara Espana)

These pictures seriously never get old to me, I love them! And I had so much fun being the shoot gopher, bringing you coffee and holding things for Kyle – maybe that’s my dream job and I just don’t know it yet, haha 🙂
I think my fave of these is the second to last, but I know what’s coming, and I think my overall favorite is going to be one of those. What can I say, I’m a sucker for big hair and bold make-up!
Beautiful photos. I actually creeped through the photos when you posted them on facebook. LOL. Kyle has such amazing talent! I always get nervous when I try to photograph adults, so I stick to kids.
Great post, Andi!
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Again, I can’t tell you how absolutely beautiful these photos are of you! Kyle is definitely an amazing photographer! My fave is definitely the close-up of you with the focus on your eyes! The eyes are the “windows to the soul” and that pic just captures that exact sentiment!
OH MY GOD! You are so gorgeous! Look at you, you little bombshell! My favorite is the first one because I love the classic black and white look. But they’re all so pretty!!!
Yay! I’ve been looking forward to this series since Kyle put up her posts. My favorite is the perfume spraying… so much going on there! You look fantastic, Andi.
You are one HOT model!!! The photo shoot was so much fun, I can’t wait until the wedding, AHHH!!!!
I still can’t believe you had the balls to do this! Impressive!
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> I know that whenever I am scared of something that simply means that I must do it.
That’s one way to tame your fear or take the bull by the horns!
Could you be any more beautiful!?!
You are a hero to so many women. I know this because you are LIGHT. YOU ROCK!!!
Holy gorgeous batman! I loooooooove the third to the last pic especially!
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!
i was previously familiar with kyle’s work so when you tweeted that you had a boudoir session with her i knew it would be fantastic…and it is – so sexy and alluring…but extremely tasteful. you and kyle both rocked it.
i love slightly unusual compositions and the unexpected shots…so my faves (not that you asked) are #6, #8 (i can totally see that blown up, framed, and hung as art….like in a powder room or, master bath or dressing room…), #9 ( i adore well executed silhouettes), and #11.
oh wait, i started writing my faves before i read the entire post so i see that you DID ask for faves…awesome.
if i ever make it to chile i’m hiring kyle to shoot a boudoir session with me.
wow, those are some great pics. girl…and there’s something just sooo sexy about the words “boudoir session”
I had the same feeling when I first found Kyle’s blog, I knew immediately that she HAD to shoot my wedding…and at that time I didn’t even have a boy in my life.
You are gorgeous!
Andi you look beautiful!
she did an amazing job – but from the looks of it – it was a very easy shoot for her since she had some a fantastic subject!
Ummm….yeah! Those pics are amazing…did your man get any done…you know…just wondering 😉
GORG!!!!!!! My dear you make me never want to be naked again, I’ll never live up to this sexiness 😉 LOVE YOU! So impressed by your ability to share so much of yourself with the world.
Gat damn girl, you have some courage but the pics are gorge! I like the third to last pic. I’m sure the windows got foggy with the hotness going on in there!
Loved it all the first go around and still do — you are both fabulous ladies!
Isn’t it fun to get engaged? We spent heaps of money on two pre-wedding photo shoots, one for engagement and the other just of me in my dress at this old mansion in Kew. So much fun! This was my second time looking at the photos and they are just as fabulous as before. You’re going to be a gorgeous bride! =)
Just a quick note to say that I loved your boudoir photos, esp the ones where you were wearing little makeup, and the black and white images. Can I also ask you where you got that stunning dress?!!! I want one!
So in awe of her work, the photos are beautiful.
Sexy, beautiful photos shoot! I was thinking doing my engagement shoot in China. But hire my friend (photographer) for my wedding. You’re almost there and I’m still not even close.. haha
wow wow wow!
Another gem – well done andi!
Wow, these are amazing! You remind me of Kate Winslet. I’ve never thought that before, but for some reason in these photos, you really do look like her!
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I love it that you’ve posted this experience. and the first photo out of the box (of you not the door) is my favorite. love the B&W, the lighting, you!
Que bellisima!
Gorgeous post!
I didn’t want this post to end!
Splendid job!
Absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!
I like these even better than the glammed up ones. They are so natural. You’re a beauty.
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