Cayman Islands: Day 4 (Part 2)

April 4, 2013

As previously mentioned, we could not find the strength to leave the Cotton Tree on our last afternoon in the Cayman Islands.  We were more than happy to stay right where we were and explore our nearby surroundings in between refreshing dips in the pool.  Having said that, I do have a confession to make: I did not love Grand Cayman.  While I thought it had beautiful beaches, though definitely not the most beautiful I have ever seen, I felt like the island really lacked the vibrancy, friendliness, and culture that is found throughout neighboring Caribbean nations.  Nonetheless, I am firm believer in second chances and if I am ever afforded the opportunity to travel to the Caymans again I would not hesitate to accept.  Next time I would like stay somewhere along the famed and centralized Seven Mile Beach and definitely visit the sister islands of Cayman Brac and Little Cayman.

Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands

Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands

Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands
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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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40 thoughts on “Cayman Islands: Day 4 (Part 2)

  1. Craig Zabransky

    I believe the 6th one… the one with the path to the water from the stairs… nice. I’ve never traveled to the Caymans, so I’d give it a “chance” too.

    stay adventurous, Craig

  2. Mary R

    These pictures are all certainly lovely, but thanks for your honest assessment of grand cayman. We’re planning a trip there ourselves, so it’s good to hear other views on it.

    1. Andi Perullo de Ledesma Post author

      I liked it, I didn’t love it. I think you’ll have a fabulous vacation. It just wasn’t for me, but I was also only there for 3 days. I would love to hear what you think you about it after your trip!

  3. Kyle

    Regardless of whether you liked it or loved it, the colors are vibrant and beautiful! I mean…when it comes to Caribbean beaches there are really only three levels of amazing — beautiful, more beautiful and most beautiful…you can’t go wrong!

  4. Katie @ Domestiphobia

    You know, one thing I’ve noticed about travel is that your encounters with the people there can really make or break a place. A beach is a beach and like a previous commenter said, it might be beautiful or most beautiful – but if you don’t have a good experience with the people, it can definitely change an impression FAST! The reverse is also true – a place might not be that glamorous or even particularly beautiful, but meeting friendly, exuberant people will always turn the experience into an awesome one. 🙂

    I can’t wait to read about your trip to Bermuda!!

  5. Alex

    Well, you share my feelings on Cayman 🙂 Of course my time there was much longer, 3 months rather than three days, so I had friendship and more memories to make up my experience. Yet in the end I share your sentiments – Cayman can’t compare with the topography and culture and friendliness that mark other Caribbean nations.

    1. Andi Perullo de Ledesma Post author

      Really????? OMG I was so nervous that you were going to be sad that I didn’t fall in love with the Caymans! I thought they were one of your favorite places? Thank goodness we think alike!

  6. Jessah

    Gorgeous pictures! I’d love to travel to the Caymen Islands. Now following you on Facebook. Looking forward to getting to know each other better.

  7. Erik

    Hi there. How are the beaches at the Caymans? I see mostly a rocky coast in your photos, whichis fine, but it would be good to know the beach status.

  8. Emily of Roads Less Traveled

    I’m surprised you didn’t have a “great” time in the Caymans. My hubby and I have spent several weeks there on two different occasions, and we loved it. We stayed at the East End which was quiet, windswept and gorgeous.

    We found the locals to be extraordinarily friendly and kind, especially compared to the nasty folks we’ve met in the eastern Caribbean in the BVI, St. Vincent and the Grenadines (Bequia especially).

    The General Manager of our hotel actually drove us in his own car into town because we had thought there were buses, but they no longer ran. How kind is that??!! Most managers in most hotels around the world would have said “I’ll call a cab for you…”

    Maybe give it another try…!!

    1. Andi Perullo de Ledesma Post author

      To each their own right? I have been to a lot of places that others didn’t like, but I loooved. I have been all over the Caribbean and the Cayman Islands, in my opinion, just didn’t compare. Not even close! Having said that, I’m so delighted that you had an amazing time and that your GM was so friendly and lovely. I will for sure give it another try, just not any time soon.

  9. agnes

    Proof we live on a beautiful planet. Great photos Andi, even if the place lacked friendliness and vibrancy, like you said, it sure looks beautiful in your photos.


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