Moms are busy people, always running around, looking after everyone else, and barely sparing a moment for themselves. Does this sound like you? Well, if it does, you need to remember that you need to think of yourself every now and then. Here are a few things you can do when you finally get a moment to yourself:
Not Being Selfish
It is not being selfish to want to have a little time to yourself. You were a person before you became a mother, a person with her own ideas, needs, and wants; and this should not cease the moment you have someone more important than yourself in your life. In fact, you will not be helping your family by denying yourself some ‘me time.’ A mom with high stress levels or feelings of resentment can lead to arguments and an uneasy atmosphere at home. Allowing yourself a little moment can help to bring down your stress levels, making you happier and healthier.
Moments Of Pleasure
So what can you do in those few precious moments you have to yourself? Probably the first thing you want to do is relax, and you could do this by indulging in a steamy, candlelit bubble bath, with your favorite music playing, a book in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. If your free moment comes during the day, you could meet up with a friend or two and simply have a chat over a cup of coffee and slice of cake, enjoying a little adult company. You could also play a game, either with a pack of cards or on the computer. You could opt for a game where you have the chance to win some money, such as buying new online scratchcards, a great way to boost your mood.
Limit Distractions
As a mother, you are probably constantly surrounded by noise, so why not take one of your alone moments to sit in an area where there is no noise — no music, no talking, no cell phone, or computers? Close your eyes and just let your mind wander. This is a step towards mindfulness and can be a great way of lowering your stress levels. If sitting still and silent does not do it for you, try reading a book in silence. This should help you to truly enter into the fictional world the author has written and create pictures in your head that are more engaging than the television.
Be Noisy
Then there is the alternative to being quiet and that is to be noisy yourself. This is not to say you should start screaming and shouting, but rather put on your favorite music. Perhaps the songs that your family rolls their eyes at? Turn up the volume and sing along at the top of your voice. A sing-along to one of your favorite tracks can really lighten your mood.
We all need a little time to ourselves, and moms perhaps need it more than most. Make the most of those moments when you are by yourself to do the things that give you pleasure and make you appreciate your family even more!

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