The city of Raleigh, North Carolina is rich with history. Part of what makes this a destination for many travelers is the vast cultural points of interest located there. The area’s historical significance complements this.
Since you are on this site, shall we safely assume you know the geographical location of the city? Of course! However, many do not know about the surrounding area. Let us start with a brief overview of Raleigh’s history, with a glimpse at some lesser known facts.
Then, we will move into some of the more intriguing places to visit that parallel this region’s historical significance.
Historical Tidbits
The population of Raleigh has grown “just a little”, seeing how it was 669 in 1800. The latest census, as of 2014, has the population at 439,896. Shaw University, the first historically Black institution of higher education located in the south, was formed in Raleigh in 1865.
Education is an integral part of the past and current ways of life in this region. In 1869, the first school for deaf and blind African-Americans in the nation was opened in Raleigh.
Let us cap off this brief overview with a fun fact. Who of us does not enjoy a movie? Well, the first motion pictures that were shown in Raleigh occurred in 1903. As a society, we have come a long way from the black and white presentations on a screen, have we not?
Educational Hub
The area around Raleigh is often referred to as the “Research Triangle”. Within twenty minutes of each other are three Tier 1 research universities: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, and the North Carolina State University.
These three universities are in large part why this region receives over $2.5 billion in federal R&D funding each year.
Consider the total of fifteen universities and ten colleges within this region, and one can only be left to wonder how many careers have blossomed with roots that originate here.
Every city has a story to tell, and Raleigh is no different. What separates Raleigh, however, is how storied in tradition and history it is. With this, it leaves no room to wonder why there is such a prominence of museums.
To those who have not spent any time in the city, they may be prone to assume that Raleigh is the “stereotypical” Southern town. What does this mean? Often people are left to assume that large cities in the south are stuck in the antiquated ways of generations back.
Nothing could be further from the truth in Raleigh. What each visitor will find is a host of cultural hotspots. Raleigh Museums and Attractions are accommodating to all demographics.
Far from a sleepy Southern town, Raleigh has blossomed into a melting pot of history mixed in with an appreciation for the creative side in all people. A visit to Raleigh will excite each of your senses, as you will leave with an appreciation for its heritage and current love for the arts!