You may have long wanted to begin an organic garden. On the other hand, you may be like more than a few people who balk at starting an organic garden, because you have concluded that it will be too costly of an endeavor for you. In fact, there are some solid, effective strategies that you can employ that permit you the ability to launch and maintain a great organic garden without breaking the bank in the process. You can have create a fantastic organic garden on a budget.
Forgo Raised Beds
Historically, a common practice when it comes to organic gardening is the use of raised beds. Raised beds are said to provide an array of benefits to an organic garden. These include pest control.
The reality is that constructed raised beds as part of an organic garden can be expensive. Crafting a raised bed requires supplies.
Many experts in the realm of organic gardening now advise that raised beds are not necessary in order to optimize an organic garden. An alternative exists that allows you to mound up soil rather than build a raised bed.
You can also utilize an existing garden plot as part of your organic gardening efforts. For example, you can plant your vegetables among flowers and landscaping plants that you already have in place.
Barter And Trade
You do not need to go out and purchase all of the items you need for an organic garden. Rather, you can barter and trade. You will find that people involved in organic gardening are open to the idea of bartering and trading. This works to reduce the monetary costs of starting and maintaining your own organic garden.
As with so many things in this day and age, the internet is a prime resource when you are interested in bartering and trading in association with your organic garden. There are websites designed as supportive resources for people who are involved in organic gardening. In addition, Craigslist has free categories, which can provide materials and resources that can be beneficial to you when starting and maintaining an organic garden.
Share Resources, Supplies, And Equipment
Another step that you can take to lower the cost of staring and maintaining an organic garden is sharing resources, supplies, and equipment. You can become part of a network of like-minded gardeners by sharing items needed to start and maintain an organic garden. This networking works to reduce the costs of organic gardening not just for you but for other people as well.
While you will of course need your own garden sprinklers, some communities have developed tool library concepts for a wide range of things. These tool lending libraries oftentimes contain items that are necessary for cultivating a garden, including an organic one. You can checkout what you need quite like obtaining a book from a traditional library.
Find Free Mulch
Mulch is an important component of an organic garden. The problem can be that purchasing mulch can be an expensive proposition. You do have a solid alternative when it comes to mulch for your organic garden. You can find it for no cost.
You can create your own mulch by scavenging recycling bins and yard waste. You can also repurpose straw, or purchase bail of yet to used straw, to provide a foundation for your organic garden mulching effort. Purchasing a bail of straw is far cheaper than expending money on commercially prepared mulch.
Focus On Higher Yield Plants
When initially starting your organic garden, you tend to be better served, and get more money for your investment, by selecting higher yield produce. For example, you can plant an organic tomato plant for under $2. One plant can yield up to a dozen pounds of tomatoes, sometimes even more. If you were to purchase the same quantity of organic tomatoes, you likely would spend about $60.
Other types of high yield produce you will want to consider planting in your organic garden can include zucchini and cucumbers. On the other hand, greens do not provide such high yields. In addition, greens are more prone to lose their nutrients in a shorter period of time.
Make Your Own Compost
A key strategy you will want to cultivate an organic garden on a budget, you will want to create your own compost pile. Through a compost pile, you are able to utilize yard waste and kitchen scraps and turn all this into a soil conditioner. Compost can also be used as mulch, potting mix ingredient, and powerfully effective fertilizer. By using compost, you will be on the way to a bountiful organic garden — all on a budget.
Jessica Kane is a writer for Grow Ace, your best online option for getting your new hydroponic grow operation up and running quickly and easily.