For any business to thrive, or at the very least make sales, there has to be some form of advertising. Whether it is a huge conglomerate that can afford to advertise on every television channel of the major media houses or word of mouth, it does not matter. What matters is that somehow, the word gets out.
One way of getting the word out is through digital signage. Not long ago, artistic posters placed strategically for customer viewing were the way to go. Those have been replaced by the more effective digital signage. With a screen placed strategically outside or inside your business premises, all eyes will be on your screen.
Your business signage is expected to contain the following:
- The company/business name.
- The company logo.
- A catchy phrase.
All these create an image of your enterprise and gets your business noticed. If you want to see how color in signage works, search for digital signage installation companies such as Sabercom, Charlotte Signs and others.
Stay ahead of the competition
You need to keep in mind that you are in competition. That means that even in branding and advertising, you have to be several steps ahead of the competition. To set your signage apart, use color creatively. Colour is closely related to mood. Think about how moods and even feelings are described through colour: jealousy is green while the ‘blues’ are…well…blue. Thus, when choosing colours, think about how they can affect your customers’ moods positively.
How important is color in signage?
The long and short of it is…very important. Colour really does influence people’s actions. If it is tastefully done, it attracts people. Human beings are visual beings, and will react appropriately to what they see.
Here is what colour does:
- It makes things stand out.
Colour makes things visible. Colourful images will grab more attention from passers-by than mono-hued graphics and pictures. Contrasting colours work together to make an image stand out.
- Color creates a mood.
A brightly coloured room makes the people in it feel cheery and alive. You will find playful children and laughing adults in there. A dreary room in greys or dark blues makes for a quiet room. You are likely to find sleepy lethargic people in there, who might even snap at you for simply existing.
Happy people are more likely to spend their money in airy premises than sleepy ones. Those ones may be grumpy and even rude. Make the people happy; they will want to hang around.
Consider this!
Different coloursappeal to different sets of people; but generally, there are colours that may appeal to women more than men, and vice versa. Pinks and reds are said to be more noticeable by women. Men tend to gravitate towards the blues and other related hues.
The idea is to create signage that will get your business more patronage than the competition; so pull all the stops including shopping for ideas by visiting, for instance, Charlotte Signs and other related sites for more ideas on how to effectively use colour.