Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments: Your Way To Smile Happy And Healthy

August 11, 2018

You can win the world with a smile! This adage is not far from the truth. A charming smile can help you go through many a tough situation. It exudes confidence and charm. But not everyone is lucky to flash a perfect, perfect, shining smile. Ever wondered how to celebrities has that perfect smile? Are you fascinated by the way Kylie Minogue, Katy Perry, Dakota Fanning, Tom Cruise and Drew Barrymore smile? If yes, then here’s something you need to know. Sure, these celebrities have their best features, which include their smile as well. But it has been enhanced by cosmetic dentistry, in a place like! And there is more to cosmetic dentistry than wearing braces.

Cosmetic dentistry today is a mainstream dental treatment

Times have changed! Previously, celebrities didn’t share about their dental procedures in public. But today, cosmetic dentistry is prevalent everywhere. And it is availed by ordinary people and stars alike. Also, any expert dentist today provides the same set of cosmetic dentistry treatments. From correcting dental flaws to conducting oral surgeries, the treatment scope is enormous.

Often people suffer from TMJ misalignment, chipped teeth, crooked or cracked teeth, jaw problems and other dental issues. It affects the individual’s confidence! Having a healthy pair of pearly white teeth, well set is an asset. Dentists through cosmetic dentistry aim to address all these issues efficiently. So that everyone today can have a healthy smile.

Do you resonate with this? Do you have dental issues that required cosmetic dentistry? If yes, search for the best dental care center in your region. For instance, if you stay in Cary in North Carolina, you can look for Wake Dental in Cary, NC, and other resources. Research online and get as much information that you require. After that, reach out to the dental care center and state your queries. Today, dentists treat each candidate with considerable attention and care. You will get a customized treatment that solves your dental issues. Don’t feel shy to embrace braces during your treatment. Those visible wires have great dental benefits for you.

Are you unsure about cosmetic dentistry?

Wondering if cosmetic dentistry is the best treatment for you? It is okay to get puzzled. You can be in two minds for a while. It will help you to find out more facts and benefits about this treatment. Your broken teeth or misaligned jaw will create a dent in your self-esteem. You will be conscious whenever you pose for a picture. And that is not a pleasant sight or feeling! Thanks to the new age orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry you can fix this situation.

Interestingly, orthodontics practice dates back to the Egyptian era. Hence, you can safely rely on its treatment procedures. Once the treatment is over, you will be happy to flash your best smile. However, check the material used during the surgery to ensure your dental health is secure.

The material used for cosmetic dentistry

People often wonder what goes behind that bright cosmetic smile. The new age cosmetic dentists use multiple materials. It ranges from amalgam, gold and many other metals. It gets used for tooth restorations and dental fillings. Materials like porcelain and resin composite look close to a pair of natural teeth. The cosmetic dentists deftly attach a selected material to the core tooth structure. They use resin glue for a stable tooth fix and to ensure it looks natural. The materials differ in expense and look. For instance, dental ceramics have glass that imitates the visual aspect of the dentin and enamel.

Today, cosmetic dentistry has come a long way! There are many types of cosmetic dentistry available. Cosmetic dentists what treatment they would customize for the patient, based on their dental issues.  Some of the prominent cosmetic dentistry treatments are as follows:

1. Composite bonding

It treats decayed, discolored and damaged teeth. It uses materials that perfectly match the tooth enamel shade. The dentist starts the process by drilling out the affected area. He/she places the composite on the teeth surface. After that, the dentist shapes and refines the affected teeth to match the rest. Other than healing tooth decay, this treatment makes your teeth have a healthy appearance. This dental treatment is pocket-friendly. From crooked teeth edges to cracked teeth, composite bonding treats all effectively.

2. The inlays and onlays treatment

This treatment is also called indirect fillings. It gets done when a patient’s tooth has partial decay. Alternatively, it’s also applicable to a patient lacking sufficient tooth structure for a tooth filling.  During the treatment, the dentist will put an inlay on the teeth exterior. When a huge part of the tooth is decayed, an onlay is the only solution to layer the tooth’s overall surface. Inlays and outlays originate from an amalgamated resin material. Cosmetic dentists attach it to the patient’s teeth using a strong adhesive. This treatment restores the teeth shape, strengthen teeth and prevent it from getting damaged.

3. Dental veneers

Expert cosmetic dentists always used high-end dental veneers. It is usually created using good quality ceramic. It exactly resembles your original teeth. It looks real and can solve several dental issues. It includes gaps created by damaged enable and cracked teeth to name a few. Recently, the porcelain veneers are gaining attention. It is custom made and slim.  When the dentist finishes applying the veneer, it covers or rectifies the damaged, poorly shaped, discolored and misaligned teeth.

4. Advanced dental implants

It has given hope to people who’ve lost a whole tooth to cavity or accident. Here dentists place in a small titanium piece and fix it to the jaw. It is at the point where your tooth is absence and supports the crown. The implants look similar to the natural teeth structure. A stable gum condition and ample bone structure is the perfect base for a dental implant. After the surgery, you must maintain a proper dental routine. It’s essential to keep the gums clean. Most dentists provide their in-house dental implants at the time of the dental surgery.

The dentist takes the shape of your tooth to create the implant before attaching it.

5. Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening resolves dental discoloration. This cosmetic dentistry takes a few sessions. The dentist first removes all debris and plaque from the teeth surface. After that, he bleaches or whitens the teeth. It gives your teeth a natural look. Improper dental care, consuming excess caffeine, sugar and smoking cigarette often stains your teeth. Whitening is the ideal solution that gives you sparkling white teeth. But ensure you reduce smoking and other habits that cause stained teeth, to maintain the treatment well. Read further for all on 4 dental implants and smoking.

6. Dental bonding

Here the dentist layers the tooth with a natural colored resin. It is a robust plastic material that uses a laser or UV ray to bond the material with the teeth. As the treatment proceeds, dentists also shape, polish and trim it. It helps to heal misaligned, damaged and cracked teeth. Dental bonding also secures the roots. It in turns restricts gum recession. The overall process causes no pain. The duration is usually between 30 and 60 minutes for every tooth.

7. The Invisalign treatment

If you do not like a clear brace, opt-in for Invisalign. The dental treatment uses an invisible tooth aligner. This treatment helps to straighten the entire teeth structure. A polished look is a bonus. Invisible Invisalign are composed using thermoplastic material that fits your teeth structure perfectly. Similar to braces, the Invisalign aligns your entire teeth arrangement.

8. A dental crown

Opt-in for a dental crown if you have to substitutes a decayed tooth. It restores the size, looks and the shape. Do you have discolored or misaligned teeth? If yes, this is yet another treatment to opt-in. Dental crowns are accessible in porcelain, metal, ceramic and resin. Allow your cosmetic dentist to suggest the best dental crown material for you.

9. The conventional braces

Dental braces still are useful when a person has to correct the teeth alignment. Sometimes, a cosmetic dentist might suggest braces than any other new age, cosmetic treatments. It is because misaligned teeth will result in multiple health problems. The types of braces are:

  • Metal bands that get wrapped all around your teeth
  • The brackets stuck to the front teeth
  • The brackets attached to the back teeth

10. Dentures

A cosmetic dentist also uses dentures while substituting a missing tooth. The two denture types are partial and complete dentures. It is one of the most common cosmetic dental treatments that are prevalent for decades. Do you want to know the purpose of dentures? It helps to secure the patients from any harmful impacts of tooth decay and loss. When your dentist completes the treatment, you can get back to your regular eating habits. You will have to abide by few restrictions till the time the procedure is over. Usually, missing teeth result in a drooping facial appearance. Dentures will solve this problem entirely.

Modern day medical science makes everything possible. Whether you want to enhance your smile or correct a crooked tooth, cosmetic dentistry is the answer. The treatments are long-lasting and do not have any side effects. Today, there are expert cosmetic dentists to conduct these treatments. Do not fret if you have a dental concern anymore. You can browse and select from the above-discussed therapies. However, ensure you get it done under an authentic and experienced cosmetic dentist.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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One thought on “Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments: Your Way To Smile Happy And Healthy

  1. John

    Hey Vinod,

    This article was covered with more information related to dental issues. You explained major issues are suffered for people i.e., whitening, teeth alignments, teeth gaps, teeth loss, etc..

    Thanks for the information shared.


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