When you are facing criminal charges, you are likely to feel a range of emotions including fear, anxiety, and confusion. Even if you do not have a previous criminal record, obtaining the best attorney possible to represent you in a court of law is imperative to minimize your risk of jail time or unnecessary fines. Finding the best legal advice and representation possible for criminal charges is possible with a bit of research and a thorough understanding of the justice system.
Gather Documents And Evidence Surrounding Your Criminal Charges
One of the first steps to take when you are charged with a crime is to obtain and organize any and all evidence surrounding your case. Obtain police reports, eyewitness reports, and even hospital or accident records that are relevant to your charges. If you plan to plead not-guilty, seek out video evidence from locals, witnesses, and even public cameras that are available. If you are not able to obtain the video evidence yourself, share the locations of potential video recordings with your lawyer once you have obtained legal counsel that is right for your case.
Research Law Firms With Experience In Criminal Charges
Take time to research law firms in your area that have experience with criminal charges and a variety of case types. Researching individual law firms is a way to gain valuable insight into each type of attorney that is available and ready to assist you with representation. Choosing a random law firm is not advisable as the attorneys in the firm may be new or unfamiliar with criminal cases that are similar to your own. Always verify that the legal counsel you choose is well-versed in the type of charges you are facing to ensure you are getting maximum protection before appearing in front of a judge or jury (varying with the type of case).
Seek Out a Law Firm That is Familiar With Your Local Courts
Simply selecting a reputable law firm is not always the optimal route, even if the attorneys working for the firm are well-known and extremely experienced. It is equally as important to look for a law firm and attorney who is familiar with the local courts you are required to appear in. An attorney who is familiar with your local courts understands more about each judge and opposition lawyer he or she may be working with on your case. Choosing a law firm that is not familiar with your local court system is extremely risky, especially if you have prior criminal charges on your record or if you are facing serious long-term jail time.
Ask For A Referral
Ask other individuals who work in business and law for referrals to law firms they trust and rely on. Referrals speak volumes, especially if you have gathered the information from an individual you trust and who lives a successful lifestyle. Avoid asking individuals who are always in and out of the court system for referrals, especially if they have already completed jail time or continue to do so regularly. Referrals are optimal if you already have connections within the business and law industry and if you know individuals who do not have a criminal past or history that is consistent.
Check Individual Attorney Ratings Online
One way to learn more about a potential attorney before choosing them to represent you in a court of law is to research their ratings and credentials online. Use websites to research and compare attorneys you are interested in working with before settling on a decision that is right for you. Attorneys receive ratings based on multiple factors from years in practice, disciplinary notes, and even achievements and other forms of recognition. When you want to ensure you are hiring the right legal defense team or attorney, be sure to do your due diligence with online research and comparisons.
Read Client Testimonials And Reviews Before Making A Decision
Reading third-party reviews and testimonials from past clients who have chosen a law firm to represent them is highly advisable before making your decision. Client testimonials provide a deeper understanding of the type of representation you will receive, especially if you are facing jail time or if you have a criminal history to your name. Learn more about the style of each individual attorney you are thinking of hiring by using client testimonials.
If possible, search for client testimonials on third-party websites such as Yelp or another law review service online. Avoid using only testimonials provided on the official website of a law firm you are interested in, as they may be biased or incorrect.
Communication Style
Communication is one of the most important elements of satisfying legal counsel, regardless of your representation needs. Schedule consultation appointments with legal defense attorneys who have met all of your standards and expectations based on the research you have conducted. Seek out an attorney who is easy to communicate with and has your best interests in mind.
Spend time asking questions about your case and verifying that the attorney you are interested in is familiar with your local courts. Take time to verify that the attorney or law firm you want to work with has also represented other individuals who have faced the same or similar charges as you in the past. Finding the right attorney greatly depends on your needs and the type of communication you prefer when working together to create a plan of action that is likely to yield the best results for you once your court date arrives.
Being brought up on criminal charges is never a pleasant experience, even if you have had experience with the law and charges in the past. With the right legal advice and representation, move forward with your case feeling comfortable and confident in your decision. When you want an attorney who specializes in criminal charges, consider cnglaw.com.au to schedule your consultation and to learn more about the services that are provided for cases similar to your own today.
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