Coffee has always been at the top priority for most of the people. Whether it is summertime or winter, there must be a cup of coffee at the table for a fresh start of the day. You may have it at any time of the day in any form.
There are a number of varieties when it comes to a cup of coffee and you can make it at home of your own taste without waiting and wasting your time at the coffee centers. Yes, it is very easy and possible with the help of coffee makers. In fact, it has proven to be cheaper than that of those sold outside. So, before buying a coffee maker let us have a look at the different types of coffee makers that suit your requirement to get the perfect cup of coffee.

Types of coffee makers
- Manual Espresso Maker
For this, you must have a very fine coffee powder and it is needed to pack the powder tight. It takes 1-2 minutes after starting the brew. This machine helps to make a strong and rich coffee. Although the volume is less you can make it double or triple times.
- Automated Espresso Maker
This machine works by just pressing the push button. You put the coffee grinds in the machine and then push the start button. It will keep working as long as the coffee grinds are present inside.You can check the best automatic espresso machines here
- Moka Pot
It works by using steam pressure to produce the espresso by passing boiling water through the coffee grinds. You can place this pot over a stove. It probably lasts for a pretty long time.
- Aeropress
It forces the hot water through the fine coffee grinds with a huge pressure resulting in the formation of espresso. Though it is easy to use at the same time, it causes trouble when it comes to cleaning.
- Auto Drip Brewer
It is very popular worldwide and is very inexpensive, easy to use and comes with a lot of functions. Its size varies. In this machine, the hot water is passed through the coffee grinds through gravity and thus produces coffee. This coffee is then stored in another pot connected to the machine and is kept hot with the help of a hot plate on which it is placed.
- Single Serve Coffee Maker
This machine is very popular among the people those who want to make a single cup of zojirushi ec-dac50 zutto 5-cup drip coffeemaker. Brewing a full pot for one person or two is useless and it also not fair to use it again and again for a long time. So this machine has the greatest advantage because it helps to make a fresh cup of coffee whenever you want.
It comes with three serving methods:
- K-Cup – It is a single serve cup made up of plastic having a tin foil top. The coffee machine pierces the cup from top and bottom to fill it with hot water
- Tassimo disc machine – This disc has a barcode which tells the machine how much water and at what temperature it should be added to the coffee grinds.
- Nespresso- You can get the coffee at one touch of the button under a minute in the single serve pods.
- Manual Drip Brew
This machine allows you the control over water temperature and volume but it is very time-consuming as you have to constantly add water in the pot until you get your desired volume of coffee.
- Vietnamese Coffee Maker
This coffee maker is actually a small filter made up of steel. What you need to do is, place the coffee grinds on the top part and then pours hot water over it. The water filters through the coffee grind and gets collected at the bottom containing condensed milk. Once all the water is filtered, you can mix it with the milk and then add ice to enjoy the cold coffee
- Percolator
In a percolator, the water is kept at the bottom and above it is the suspended layer which contains the coffee grinds. When the water is heated it pumps out through the grinds and filters to produce coffee. It is very ideal for making hundreds of cups.
- Cold Drip
This machine is used to make cold coffee. The water drips very slowly through the grinds to make the coffee. It takes a very long time to produce coffee so you need to plan ahead.
Now you have a very well idea about the different types of coffee makers but before you purchase, you need to consider a few things such as budget, quantity, and convenience. Choose that machine which suits the best to your budget considering the specifications as well. After all, a perfect cup of coffee makes your day.