Have you ever met someone and realized that s/he just gets you? Could that person be your soul mate? It is tough to tell, but you can use these signs to find out if that someone is actually someone special. Others misunderstood twin flames as soulmates. What is a twin flame? Twin flames are a little more difficult to deal with. These are two persons who have a soul in common. Their spirits are mirror images of one other in every manner, both good and terrible. You can find out if they are your soulmate or twin flame with a free psychic reading online. Nevertheless, here are the top signs that your partner is your soulmate:
They Accept Your Flaws
All of us have our own flaws and weaknesses. Do what we may to hide them; they do leave us exposed at some point of time. If the person in your life is actually your soulmate they will understand all your weaknesses and accept them wholeheartedly. If you are in love such weaknesses does not really matter.

You Feel Comfortable In Each Other’s Company
Feeling good in each other’s company, even if it is completely silent otherwise, indicates that you both are on the same page.
They Buy You Gifts That Are Just Perfect
Have you noticed that people who really know you have a knack for buying you gifts that are just downright perfect? It is not by chance. Instead, it means that they have a deep and personal emotional and spiritual connection with you. It shows that they instinctively know what you want and can almost automatically fulfill your needs, without even thinking.
For instance, they might get you sterling silver necklaces & pendants you saw online. Or they might arrange an experience, like going horse riding, even though you never told them that that was what you wanted to do.
You Share Common Interests And Goals
Soul mates generally share common views, beliefs, and interests. You can talk anything with them and they will be interested in listening to you. Your food and even political preferences might be the same. Your overall picture of the world might look very similar too.
You Respect Each Other’s Space
While sharing things with your partner is important, it is also important that you give each other the space that you deserve. Such space and time spent apart should help in drawing you closer to one another.
There Is No Space For Jealousy In Your Relationship
If it is your soul mate that you have found, you should feel safe in the relationship. You will trust each other so much that jealousy will automatically fade into the background. You feel happy and content.
You Set Your Egos Aside
If it is your soulmate that you have met, you will do everything possible to help and please your partner. They will most likely do the same for you, leaving their ego aside. You will understand that your relationship is more important than your pride or ego.
Hard Times In Your Relationship Will Help You Grow
Fights are common in relationships and they are not so uncommon between soulmates. But instead of bringing you apart, such fights will only end up strengthening your relationship. You feel connected to each other even during separation. You will feel like changing yourself to have a happy future with your soulmate.
There Is Nothing You Cannot Discuss With Them
If your partner is actually your soul mate you will not feel any discomfort while discussing things with them. You can tell anything without worrying about how they feel and what they would think.
You Feel The Pain Of Each Other
Caring comes naturally between soulmates. Any pain that they feel will hurt you and vice versa. It makes it easier to sympathize and empathize and you start sharing your emotions with your partner.
So, do you think you have met your soulmate yet? If not you can try accurate psychic love reading. This will help clarify all your queries and lead you towards your soulmate.