The old days have gone, when men could get away with rugged looks. Today, all men are consciously active. They also try to look much more presentable, when it comes down to grooming for special occasions.
It has become equally important for both men and women to have well grooming conscious nature. Looking flawless has not been restricted to women only. Every man presents out there trying to attain a perfect complexion. They are using many creams and lotion to improve their rugged looks.
Men’s skin is more prone to weathering and aging due to the growth of facial hair.
To tackle this problem, there are many companies providing several skin products for men. But do you really think that will be helpful? Men already have dull skin and with use of the chemical-laden products can act as a catalyst to degrade the skin at a faster rate.
This article will review the home-based remedies for Fair Skin For Men Naturally that can be used as a substitute for those chemical-laden products.
Cleaning your skin with lemon and honey.
Using lemon juice for washing your face can be the best option. There are many products out there that use citric acid fruits as the base element to make their products.
This is only due to the fact that these citric fruits contain both natural acid and bleach which can be used for cleaning purposes.
You can also use honey for cleaning your face. Cleaning is a natural element that can be used as a moisturizing lotion.
You can make your own facewash with the help of honey and lemon. Mix an equal proportion of both the elements. Let it get saturated. The mix solution is the best natural substitute chemical facewash.
The lemon juice cleanses your skin, removes dirt and dust from the skin. And honey helps you to keep your skin hydrated.
You don’t have to use the only lemon. You can use any citric acid fruits for this remedy. If you don’t want to use honey, that also acceptable. You just have to rub the citric fruit on to your face and wash it with cold water.
Oranges, lemon, pineapple, tomato can be said as some of the citric fruits.
Scrub your skin with honey and coffee scrub
Every day has been a rush day for you. You don’t get time to take care of you to face during the rush working day. And when you come back home you use chemical products to scrub dirt and dust out of your skin.
Have you ever thought that instead of cleaning your skin you are making your skin rough?
You can make your own homemade scrub. This scrub is made out of the natural ingredients that are used in the home.
Take 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of coffee and few drops of olive oil (to mix the earlier 2 ingredients). Mix it well and the resulting product can be used as face scrubs by men.
This homemade scrub is natural and does not have any side effects on the skin. It removes the dead cells from the skin and Makes Your Skin Smooth and Gorgeous.
Use neem, sandalwood, almond, and turmeric face pack
There are many medicinal plants, herb, and spices all around you. You can use them to make face packs. Use for face can further improve your complexion.
Add sandalwood powder, turmeric powder, almonds powder, and neem leaves. Mix it well. The paste now can be applied to the face. Keep that on for thirty to forty minutes. Then wash it lukewarm water.
You will see an instant difference in the complexion. It makes your skin glow and re-energized your skin.
Apply orange juice and turmeric paste
The use of orange is very diverse. Oranges have proven themselves many times, that they are a versatile fruit. They can be used in skincare products.
Oranges are very rich in Vitamin C, it can really boost your complexion out of the scale. Oranges can really help you in improving the texture of your skin.
Mix a pinch of turmeric powder in 3 tablespoons of orange juice. Mix it well, and then apply on the face. Rest it for 20 min to 30 minutes. And wash it with lukewarm water.
If you can maintain this process for several days you will be able to changes in your skin. Your skin will look younger, refreshed, clean and smoother.
Apply mashed papaya mask
Everybody knows about papaya and its medicinal properties. Then why do we keep that aside in our homemade remedies for fairer skin?
Papaya contains papain. This enzyme is really proficient in exfoliating (removing the dead cells from the skin). Thereby, making your skin healthy and fairer than ever.
For this method, you need green papaya (as it is rich in popain as compared to a ripen papaya). Cut small pieces and then grind it into a thick paste. Apply this paste onto your face and leave it so that it can be absorbed by the skin. Wash it with lukewarm water.
This method is the simplest method out of them all, mentioned in this article. It will improve the healthiness of your skin, softness and it is very good for blackheads.
It is time to stop searching googles for finding the best natural methods for men to attain fairer skin. Not only fairer skin but also healthy, clean and soft skin.
Nowadays, not only women but men also try many methods or practices several habits to become more presentable than others. In the world of virtual delicacy, appearance plays an important role in every side road of your life.
This article reviews all the possible natural ways by which a man can improve its rugged look. This article also contains the procedures of the usage. Even if you have no idea how you are going to use it, rest assured we have also covered up in this article.
For more new and healthy tips and facts, you can also read Online Health Media.