Recently there has been a boom in the sales of Weed in the United States. Weed sales have been skyrocketing amid coronavirus pandemic lockdown. The reason for the hike in sales is the home delivery of all types of Cannabis in most of the states. Let us know more about it and will also know if it is safe to use Cannabis during coronavirus
The Cannabis sales have increased during the coronavirus pandemic despite stay at home orders around the country. According to Detroit News, the states in which Cannabis sales are legal to have seen a 50% increase in sales across the board and some states like Michigan have around 57% increase in sales. The states which have recreational Cannabis Market like Oregon, California, Colorado, and Alaska have seen more sales during a pandemic. And there are many other states which have seen a hike in sales of approximately 20% to 30% and they are also expecting to see a 60% hike in sales by next month.
Based on a report, the sales have increased after the states declared both medical and recreational marijuana sales as essential in the legalized states, such as California. Also, some states, like Massachusetts, are only allowing medical marijuana as essential and have shut down recreational Marijuana stores. Nevada is only allowing delivery while Maine recreational stores have yet to open despite being legalized.
The Reason for Hike in Sales
The sales of weed have increased unexpectedly as there are states in which the sales have risen around 60% and people are using it more than earlier during the Covid-19 pandemic. According to experts, there are two main reasons for the hike in sales of weed, one is the states have allowed home delivery of weed and the second reason is the people are using it more for recreation purposes.
While the marijuana industry has fared well during the coronavirus pandemic, the process for customers purchasing cannabis has changed as home delivery has become more popular. If someone is going to stores to buy marijuan, they need to maintain social distancing inside the shop. People are afraid of going out to purchase anything. So most of the people are preferring the home delivery option and it is one of the reasons for the increase in sales. It gives a convenient option to the consumers. The states and stores that have options for home delivery definitely have more sales than the stores that are not allowing home delivery options.
Most of the people sitting at home, not doing much work, not going to work, or not able to meet friends and families have started buy weed online for recreational purposes also. Due to Covid-19 lockdown across the country it is not possible for anyone to step out of the house for any recreation, so people have started consuming more weed.
Is it Safe to Consume Marijuana During Covid?
Earlier some Marijuana experts said that consuming Marijuana could be riskier during coronavirus as coronavirus is a respiratory disease. So smoking marijuana may weaken our immunity system that’s why it was suggested not to consume more Marijuana. But recently, a study in Canada says that the Marijuana can help you in fighting Coronavirus. The high CBD strains can save you from coronavirus.
Most of the big medical companies are still struggling with the coronavirus vaccine and a few of them claim that they have already made the vaccine and only testing is left. At the same time Marijuana researchers are also working to know if consuming marijuan is safe or not during covid-19. Currently the experiment is done on the human tissues and now the researchers will use it on living humans to know if it really works.
We are definitely seeing the increase in sales in the marijuana market and both medical and recreational marijuana are in demand. A few stores last week said that their stores are empty because they are not getting stock properly due to lockdown. We may see more hikes in sales in the next month. As soon as the researchers come up with the positive news of using Marijuana, the sales may get double or triple. One of the Marijuana scientists suggested that Edible Marijuana is safe to consume over smoking marijuana. So if you want to have marijuana and afraid of it then you can try edible marijuana.