A residential fence can perform many duties: to keep the guard dog from roaming, marking a property line, as part of a residential security system or for privacy.
Which type should be installed? The answer depends on many factors and function is just one. In some cases, the neighborhood association rules will mandate the choice. Environmental factors should also be taken into consideration.
All these types are built by your local fence companies by setting posts in concrete and filling in the gaps with the appropriate building material.
The Chain Link Fence
The chain link is not the most attractive style, but it does have decided advantages. In areas that experience high winds, the chain allows a stiff breeze to pass through. It also makes a great guard dog fence for home security.
The guard dog gets a clear view of the outside world, reducing the opportunity for a crook to commit a home break-in. The chain link may also be topped with constant in a or barbed wire to seriously avoid residential burglary.
Post And Rail
This type falls in the same category as the split rail fence. In fact, the names are sometimes used interchangeably. The only real distinction is that the split rail has a more rustic look. This is the type Abraham Lincoln is pictured within school history books.
The post and rail is not much good for corralling dogs or chicken, but it does a superb job with horses and cattle, which makes it a great choice for farms and ranches.
Traditional Picket Fences
There are actually several kinds of pickets. One type is the short, white-painted style reminiscent of the “good old days” in Smalltown, USA. It does not do much for residential security, but it will keep kids from taking a bicycle short-cut through the front yard.
It will also keep small dogs from wandering off; and chickens as well, for those self-sufficient homeowners or urban ranchers. They are traditionally made of wood, but vinyl and aluminum have been introduced for longevity and ease of maintenance.
The other type commonly found is wooden and 6′ high. This type offers excellent privacy when the pickets are installed snuggly. The downside? They do not do well in windy areas. Cedar and pressure-treated wood are sustainable building materials and make for long life.
The Basket Weave
This is another good choice for privacy in sheltered areas. The boards are installed horizontally from post to post and “woven” around a center vertical post. This style may also be constructed of pressure-treated pine or cedar lumber and may or may not be painted.
Decorative Lattice Fence
Installing a lattice style is fast since the panels are purchased pre-made from the lumber yard or home improvement store. It’s another good candidate for a high-wind location. Privacy? It offers privacy by degrees.
The lattice diagonal strips are ideal for growing, ivy, vines, or climbing roses. The more vegetation, the greater the privacy. This style is frequently used around hot tubs or swimming pools or just stood up in sections in the garden for accent.