More than a year after the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread at the start of 2020, many of us still have not gotten used to the “new normal” of limited physical movement, which is enforced by government agencies in many places in order to prevent the spread of the disease. By and large, the atmosphere is still filled with fear and trepidation, especially since there seems to be no light yet at the end of the tunnel in terms of finding a vaccine or a definitive cure for COVID-19.
As such, it is during times like these when we should do all that we can to spread a little positivity and hope especially within our own circles and areas of influence. Starting in our own families, neighborhoods, and communities, we can show that there are people who still care about the welfare of others. Here are some simple things that you can do to help your community during this pandemic:
Wear A Cloth Face Covering
The simple act of wearing a face covering, whether it be a medical-grade respirator or a reusable cloth face mask with neck loop, shows that you are a responsible citizen and that you care enough not to potentially spread the disease to those around you in case you already have it. Since medical studies have shown that many individuals can indeed be asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19, it is important to wear a mask at all times to prevent others from being exposed to your respiratory droplets. It is a small inconvenience that has tremendous life-saving benefits.
Volunteer Your Time
With many companies implementing a work-from-home status for their employees during the pandemic, you may find yourself having some free time during a workday or on weekends. On the other hand, you might find yourself a victim of a retrenchment or layoff, with no more day job to attend to. Instead of moping or falling into depression, why not use your time in a more productive manner by extending help to others, such as by volunteering in community activities. This can be anything from delivering life-saving medication from pharmacies to hospitals, making regular phone calls to isolated and depressed individuals, or even teaching children online.
Clean Up Your Surroundings
We may be in the middle of a public health crisis, but we still need to ensure proper sanitation and cleanliness in our communities — now more than ever. You can start in your own home by making sure that trash is properly segregated and disposed of, and that your living spaces are sanitized and disinfected. You can also help clean public spaces such as parks, playgrounds, and other areas where people usually come together so infections and contaminations can be avoided. Make sure to work within the health protocols established by your local government.
Donate To Worthwhile Causes
Personal protective equipment such as medical masks, gloves and suits are still in high demand across the world, as doctors and nurses continue to care for a large number of COVID-19 patients. If you have cash to spare, why not purchase some of these much-needed items and donate them to your local hospital? Also consider contributing to any fundraising activity geared toward helping medical frontliners for their daily needs like meals and clothing.
Reach Out To Family And Friends
During this pandemic, when health protocols such as social or physical distancing are being enforced, keeping lines of communication open is extremely important. Being physically apart from loved ones, friends, co-workers, and neighbors does not mean being emotionally detached from them as well. All that you need to do is pick up the phone, send a text message, or shoot an email just to let them know that you are thinking of them and wishing them well. It is a good idea to check on them once in a while to make sure they are not sick or if they might need any help with daily needs like food or medicine.
Extraordinary times such as this COVID-19 pandemic call for extraordinary measures as well, and this may mean going out of your usual comfort zone in terms of making others feel that you care. Whatever the case, you will find that doing these things for others is truly worthwhile and rewarding.