If you don’t want to use cosmetic eye extensions and want to grow naturally stronger eyelashes then here we are going to list you some natural agents that can help you to grow stronger eyelashes.
Apart from using your Careprost eye drops you can use some natural substances commonly found in any home to grow naturally stronger and thicker eyelashes.
Why is your eyelash so thin or why do your eyelashes fall?
Your eye-lining hair is probably getting brittle and fragile without you even knowing. Scientists and researchers have blamed the excess use of Mascara and medicated eye drops for this.
The excess use of any cosmetic or synthetic agents on the eyelashes makes them drier by the day and making the hair follicles even weaker. This causes the eyelashes to fall off and then you have fewer thick eyelashes.
Even rubbing your eyes excessively can create excess force and tear them apart from the hair follicles. Your eyelashes will grow naturally but that takes sometimes generally four to eight weeks. So naturally, if you are using too many synthetic cosmetic agents or rub eyes heavily then your eyelashes fall off prematurely even before growing.
This causes the eyelash lining to look sparse with shorter eyelashes. You can make use of the Bimat to grow your hair follicles and eyelashes.
Growing your eyelashes naturally with common ingredients found at home
There are plenty of substances commonly found in any home for DIY eyelash treatment before you look to spend hundreds of dollars on medicines and eyelash treatments.
It is still advisable to consult a doctor or dermatologist or an eye care specialist to know what works best for you for eyelash growth.
Here are some of the best things that you can use apart from using any falsies and synthetic products to grow your eyelashes apart from Careprost.
Olive oil
Yes, olive oil is better than vegetable or mustard oil on the nutrient side but you might not know that it is a natural ingredient to grow your eyelashes thicker.
Olive oil contains lots of natural fatty acids and acts as natural moisturizing agents for your eyelashes. They make your eyelashes soft while also providing the most important nutrients for your eye hair follicles to make them stronger.
You can use a simple eye mascara brush to gently rub olive oil in your eyelashes a couple of days a week.
Natural eyelash hair growth serum
Don’t forget that we are mentioning the natural and herbal products only. Apart from using your Careprost medication it is not a bad idea at all to apply a natural eyelash hair follicle growth serum on your eyes as mentioned by an eye care specialist.
It’s best that even while using the natural hair follicle growth serum you consult on which brand to choose as not all will work best for anyone.
Natural hair growth serums contain natural peptides that provide essential nutrients for eye follicles.
Vitamin E oil
Vitamin E oil is a highly affordable and cheap way of DIY treatment at home for better eyelash growth. You can apply the Vitamin E oil topically on your eyelashes.
Even it can be ingested as supplements and pills for the growth of stronger and thicker eyelashes.
When using the oil product on your eyelashes then tend to evenly moisturize the hair follicle and eyelashes and this softens and keeps the eye hair moist preventing dryness.
Other oils that are good for eyelash growth
Apart from using your Bimat eye drops you can also use castor oil and virgin coconut oil. These are a cheap option and are available at your home easily. Even if not then you can buy them from any nearest stationery store.
Sometimes you can also make a mixture in even proportions of castor oil and coconut oil and rub them using an eye mascara to make your eyelashes look healthier and thicker.
Use of biotins to grow eyelashes
If you consult a doctor you must have the term biotins being used. So does biotin help you to fuel up eyelash growth?
Doctors say that there are some specific vitamin and mineral deficiencies in a person and this is commonly visible as a sparse eyelash lining.
Taking in biotins is one of the rarest ways to grow eyelashes on your eyes. Of course, if you have been recommended by the doctor to use biotin supplements along with Careprost generic medication we are not encouraging you to turn over the decision of a doctor but don’t do otherwise.
See, the fact is that not all biotin supplements are good for your eyelashes. This will be person-specific and not all of them have a very good result for eyelash growth.
But nowadays, a good percentage of persons are relying on natural biotin supplements for eyelash growth.