Top Raw Rolling Accessories Every 420 Lover Must Have

June 10, 2021

Imagine preparing a joint on your own so that you can smoke up and leave for your dream place where it’s just you away from the worldly crap and worries. You start crushing the grass with your hands. You face a slight difficulty doing it. Somehow, you managed to crush it into minute pieces, preparing yourself for the next step – to roll the joint. As you start preparing the joint, putting finely crushed grass onto the rolling paper, you experience a world of troubles. The result isn’t that bad but not so good to offer you the ultimate experience. However, with the accessories, you also need to make sure that you buy only high quality as well as pure marijuana from trusted suppliers such as

Now imagine crushing the grass in no time and without any hassles using a crusher. You placed the ball of grass in between the crusher, swiveled it twice, and there you go – you have finely chopped grass with you to roll a joint. Eventually, you rolled a joint within minutes and smoked it up like a pro, and left for a world where everything is clear and devoid of confusion. Do you see why experienced smokers consider buying raw rolling accessories and recommend newbies to use them? These accessories let you prepare your joint in minimal time to finally offer an unforgettable smoking experience.

If you are planning to invest in raw rolling accessories, here are a few must-haves for you:

Smoker Proper

Created with the understanding that 420 lovers have different preferences, and with these preferences should come the ability to prepare their joints, Smoke Proper is a raw rolling accessory that you must have. It specializes in offering water & scent-resistant dispenser of rolling paper and hidden smoking essentials that make rolling your own joint easy and hassle-free. Its paper dispenser enables you to choose your desired length of paper with every use. This simply means that you no longer have to choose between the various precut booklets of rolling papers. Instead, you can use any size depending on your preference. It can be used by anyone who rolls on their own, but more specifically, those who are active outdoors, such as travelers.


All other raw rolling accessories are useless if you don’t have a grinder with you. A grass grinder lets you do just that. It has grinding chambers with “teeth,” or what some consider blades that do the work of crushing grass into minute pieces. The upper lid of the grinder attaches to the lower lid, and together they do the magic which smokers find helpful. Make sure you invest in the best quality one for an everlasting experience.


What’s a joint if you can’t light it up safely and smoke up? A lighter is another raw rolling accessory that should be purchased wisely. A poor-quality lighter poses the risk of exploding in hand, which may cause a serious threat. To light your joint in no time, make sure you invest in the best quality lighter made specifically for grass lovers.

If you are a 420 lover and face trouble preparing your joint – be it during grinding the grass or keeping the rolling paper dry – you can avoid those hassles by investing in raw rolling accessories. However, it’s important that you buy the best quality marijuana also to make the most out of your smoking experience.



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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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