Five Tips To Prevent A Flooded Basement

July 9, 2021

If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, then you know how much of a pain it can be to deal with a flooded basement. The water can ruin your furniture and electronics, and make the air smell musty for weeks afterward. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to prevent this from happening. In this article, we will discuss five tips that will help keep your basement dry when mother nature decides to act up!

1. Make sure your gutters are clean and not clogged

Some people do not realize it, but we really depend on our gutters to do their job and keep water away from the window sills and foundation. If they are clogged, rain can leak in through your windows when it is running down the side of the house. A clog can also block other vents and lead to significant structural damage overtime.

In order for them to work as expected, you must have a hydro jet drain cleaning service to get an unobstructed gutter with no waste blocking its drain system.

2. Make sure there is proper drainage on all sides of your property — this includes gutters, downspouts, and storm drains

Most commercial properties are required by law to have proper drainage systems. So if you are building your own house, make sure that there is a good way for water to get in and out at all times.

There should be a set downspout on one side and it should drain well down and away from the foundation. That’s an effective means of protecting against basement flooding because rain won’t pool up and then leak through doors or windows anymore. Similarly, gutters can really protect your property from runoff, especially if they empty into some sort of ditch near the edge of residential property.

3. Keep an eye on basement windows and doors for signs of leaks or moisture

Inspection of basement windows and doors for sign of leaks or moisture is an important safety measure in preventing flooded basement. Floors in basement rooms with windows are often a weak spot for water leaks. And even if they are not, high humidity can cause problems within the wall cavity. If you want to perform a thorough inspection, check it out by removing paneling from the walls and taking a look at the framing and insulation in and around your basement foundation.

4. Inspect the exterior of your house periodically for any cracks or leaks and repair them as soon as possible

Inspecting the outside from time to time will let you know about any potential problems that need attention so they do not get worse. If there are any cracks or leaks in pipes, roofing materials, windows, and doors (like a water leak) contact someone who can repair them quickly. Do not rely on appearances or memories, because as time goes by even small damage can become much more substantial. Only when repairs have been made should you repaint or reseal any portion of the exterior surface.

5. Install a sump pump to help remove the water that collects in your basement

In order to save yourself from flooded basement cleanup, you should consider installing a sump pump. Sump pumps are used for removing ground water and surface water from basements of buildings that sit on low-lying areas. It is connected to a sewer drain system and uses the power of gravity to remove water that collects in your basement. It is advisable for people with basements who have high levels of flooding during heavy rains or snow melt to install a sump pump as soon as possible, which will save them money over the long run — especially if their house has suffered from severe damage due to flooding before.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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