If you want to be a competitive candidate in the insurance industry, you must start preparing early and gather adequate knowledge about its basics. You can do this by attending insurance exam preparatory courses such as AIFA’s General Insurance Exam Review. We hope that these will help you become more familiar with your chosen career path and get excited about taking your exams! This article will give you basic information about preparing for an upcoming insurance examination, including the types of insurance they test on. Get educationLLQP license in Ontarioto help with exams.
1) What is covered in General Insurance (GI)?
GI is the general insurance course that covers all the basic modules of the industry. The main objective of this course is to introduce students to how insurance companies work and how they can help clients with their products.
2) What are the types of General Insurance Exams?
There are three major exams in GI: Property & Casualty, Life, Accident & Health, and Personal Lines. These modules are further divided into different topics: Auto/Car, Fire/Flood/Storm, Earthquake, Watercraft Marine Risks, Liability Residential Legal Responsibility / Homeowners Coverage, Umbrella Policies (excess liability), etc. If you wish to get into Auto/Car insurance or underwriting in this field, then you need to start reading up about insurance regulations, too.
3) What are the best books for general insurance?
The Internet is a limitless source of information providing book suggestions, study guides, and other reference material. But before you get overwhelmed by its vastness, you must learn how to sift through all the junk out there. Here are some of our personal favorites:
4) What are the best online resources for general insurance?
You can also use Google or Yahoo to look up information about general insurance guidelines. But be wary of certain websites because some might rely too much on “generalizations” instead of giving you accurate facts that could hurt your chances in an upcoming exam. Here’s a list of some good online references:
General Insurance Books & Resources (An exhaustive list of books and resources about all types of General Insurance, including Business Interruption, Earthquake, Umbrella Liability, etc.)
5) How long should I study for my General Insurance Exams?
If you pass the exam without taking any General Insurance preparatory courses like AIFA’s, then expect to spend about 6 months studying for this course. But if you decide to take shortcuts, it could be challenging for you to remember all the various topics covered in this course. For example, Business Interruptions is divided into 5 major categories (New Constructions & Office Buildings; Theatres, Opera Houses & Sporting Activities; Retail Stores; Factories and Warehouses; Other Structures), each of which has anywhere from 6-8 subcategories that include hotels, motels, restaurants, etc.
Remember that insurance exams require knowledge on your part, so the more prepared you are regarding everything related to general insurance, the better.
6) What are some online insurance forums?
You can also use search engines like Google and Yahoo! to quickly understand what kind of general insurance questions you will be asked during your exam. Just type in “insurance exam” and see what comes up on top of the list: