Tips To Help You Better Care For An Aging Parent

December 21, 2021

Watching your parents get older is not always easy and may bring about many mixed emotions. You want to see them happy and healthy but they may be struggling currently in these areas.

The good news is that you have the opportunity to be there for them. You can make a difference in their lives and manage the situation if you are committed to supporting them throughout this next stage in life. Learn some tips to help you better care for an aging parent or parents.

Evaluate Their Needs

One tip to help you better care for an aging parent is to evaluate your parent’s needs. Figure out where they stand mentally and physically and what will help them to have an improved quality of life. For instance, it might be that you need to move them into assisted living or visit the doctor more often so they can get the treatment and support they need to feel good. Ask questions and involve your parents in the options and discussion. Staying engaged with them can help prevent nursing abuse, a growing concern for the elderly population. You can get a free nursing home abuse guide to read up on the signs of abuse to keep your loved ones safe today.

Keep Close Tabs On Them

Another way you can better care for an aging parent is to keep close tabs on him or her. If your parent is in a nursing home or assisted living facility then this will be even more important for you to do. Nursing home abuse and neglect happen so if you believe you are in this situation and there is elder abuse occurring then contact for assistance. The experts can help you navigate the situation and figure out a plan for getting the help and legal representation you need.

Communicate Openly

It is also going to help if you have an open dialogue with your aging parents and get on the same page. Better care for an aging parent or parents by making sure they feel heard and respected. Listen with open ears and let them tell you how they are feeling and communicate what they want from you or others right now. Make sure your parents feel safe and secure and that you talk about important topics such as their health, finances, and living situation.

Do Not Forget About Your Needs

You are also going to want to consider your needs and capabilities in the process of caring for an aging parent. You are only one person and might have other responsibilities such as a job and family to care for. You cannot let this matter consume your entire life or you might get run down and experience burnout and added stress. Instead, you must take proper care of yourself and your health and know your limits. Make sure that you help out with your parents but that you also take breaks and make time in your day for yourself.


This advice is going to help you better care for an aging parent and ensure that you all get through this situation together and in good spirits. All you can do is your best at the end of the day and it’s likely your parents will greatly appreciate any and all the help and support you can give. 

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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