Five Characteristics Of A Pooled Trust That Benefit Those In Need Of Financial Aid

December 21, 2021

Should you use a pooled trust? If you are in need of medical financial aid, then using this type of shared money system is the best way you can guarantee funds for any upcoming medical procedures, procese, or predictions.

If you are worried about your current income level to fund your hospital stays, prescriptions, and physician care, then using a pooled trust can be the safest way that you can 100% guarantee having the funds required to get the treatment that you need — and deserve!

So, how does a pooled trust work? What are the main benefits of using this pooled trust if you are in a concerning financial situation? Let us find out more about the process of applying for a pooled trust and why KTS pooled trust is beneficial for you.

What is a pooled trust?

Before you can use numbers and why you should use an oiled trust, we need to know what it is. Simply put, this type of shared money pool is a type of method that older individuals, those with disabilities, and those with chronic illnesses can qualify for medical benefits through the government.

By using the benefits of medicaid or the supplemental security income, those who are in the pooled trust ensure that every single person — no matter what type of disability — can access healthcare benefits to help them pay for services and products that are not currently covered under insurance, such as some prescriptions, procedures, and other must-do medical services.

  • Maintain medicaid eligibility

One of the main benefits of getting the pooled trust is that you can qualify for medicaid eligibility and you can remain qualified for a long period of time! Instead of worrying about when your medicaid or health care plan will expire, you can rest assured that this pooled trust will make it possible for you to qualify for long-term healthcare without it suddenly ending.

  • Protect funds

The second benefit of applying and earning a pooled trust for your healthcare is that you can guarantee your funds will always be protected. To increase your quality of life, continue getting a high level of medical care, and avoid your prescriptions/level of care diminishing over time due to lack of funds, you can always be confident that your funds are going to be there for you to utilize.

  • Community care

The third benefit of using a pooled trust is that you can get care in your local community. You do not have to worry about traveling for hours and hours to go to a specialized doctor who will help you get the treatment, products, or services that you require. Instead, go to care in your local community to help you get immediate care, pay your bills, and avoid wasting your time in the car or public transit.

  • Avoid overpowering

The fourth reason to use a pooled trust is you can avoid overspending and using all of your email funds right away, instead, you can be guaranteed that your funds will always be available for disposal.

  • Cover other services and products

The final benefit of signing a pooled trust is that you can gain access to items, services, and products that are not covered by your insurance and you do not have to worry about paying for it!


Using a pooled trust is a sure way to guarantee you will qualify for access to vital things like healthcare, products, and services that are otherwise not covered by your insurance. Make your life and your loved ones’ lives easier with this shared money system.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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