Our bodies go through hundreds of changes during our lifetime — whether that be due to aging, pregnancy, hormones, or even specific health conditions. However, this does not mean that sudden weight loss or weight gain cannot change the way in which you perceive yourself, or your confidence levels. In fact, in a world that is growing ever-more obsessed with appearances, it is hard not to worry about how we look from time to time.
However, it is also important that you work on healing your relationship with your body. While you may not believe it to be picture-perfect, your body is beautiful. Its carried you through every step in your life so far, and that deserves a lot of love!
With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to boost your body confidence!
- Remember that beauty standards are boring. Beauty standards sometimes feel unavoidable — they are on every magazine, TV show, or Instagram feed. But, the tides are changing as we begin to embrace the fact that our beauty lies in our differences. Your body does not look exactly like your friend’s body — and that is perfectly okay!
- Lose weight healthily. If you have decided to lose weight, you must do so healthily. Always do your research before trying out a new diet or technique. For example, if you are considering cosmetic surgery, you should make sure that you are a suitable Candidate for Liposuction ahead of time. This will give you the best chance of success while also ensuring that you take care of yourself during this time.
- Focus on being healthy. Our relationship with our bodies is often directly influenced by our lifestyle choices. For example, while fast food can be comforting (and delicious), it can also leave you feeling groggy and bloated, which is sure to kill your confidence. As a result, if you want to feel more comfortable in your own skin, you should try to lead a healthy lifestyle. This means (where possible) that you should follow a healthy, balanced diet that is packed with all of the nutrients your body needs to thrive.
- Get back into exercise. Exercising is a great way to improve your relationship with your body, but if you have been out of the game for a while, it can be hard to get back into the swing of things. For example, you may not feel confident enough to hit the gym if you are out of practice. As a result, it is important that you learn to love exercise again, as this will encourage you to work out consistently as opposed to every now and then. Therefore, do not be afraid to try something new. For example, you could sign up for an exercise class you have always fancied trying. Alternatively, you could opt to work out with a friend so you can hold each other accountable.
- Switch up your style. Our clothing can also have an impact on our confidence — especially when you pull together a fabulous outfit. As a result, if you are not feeling quite as comfortable in your body as usual, it may be time to switch up your style. For example, you could take the time to learn how to dress for your body type so that you are able to pick out clothes that will flatter your figure and accentuate your best features. However, beyond that, simply focus on buying clothes that you like. Do not worry about whether or not they comply with the latest trends — if they make you feel good, wear them!
- Hit that unfollow button. There are many benefits to social media. For example, it is a great platform for reconnecting with old friends or documenting life’s magical moments. However, it could also shatter your body confidence, especially if your Instagram feed is full of heavily-doctored images of celebrities and influencers. As a result, you would be doing yourself a favor by hitting that unfollow button. Instead of following those you think you should be following, focus on curating a social media feed that makes you feel good. Alternatively, whenever you find that you are sleeping into a negative mindset, treat yourself with grace and take a social media break! The world will not grind to a halt if you take a few days away from your Instagram.
- Love the skin you are in. As mentioned above, bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and our differences are what make each and every one of us beautiful. As a result, if you are looking to boost your body confidence, it is time to start loving the skin you are in. Take your perceived ‘flaws’ and teach yourself that they are not flaws whatsoever — they are just a regular old part of your body. One way in which you can begin to challenge this overly-negative mindset is through positive affirmations. Each day, when getting ready, stand in front of the mirror and repeat 3-5 compliments about yourself outloud. For example, you could say: I look great today. While this may not sound all that productive, the more openly positive you are about your looks, the more confident you will begin to feel naturally. It will also encourage you to be kinder to yourself.
- Compliment yourself (and others). Complementing yourself is not self-centered; it is just a form of self-love and you should not let anybody tell you any different. The more you get into the habit of complimenting yourself, the less you will seek out external validation as it will come from within. However, you should also use this newfound confidence as an opportunity to share the love with others too. For example, if you are friend is experimenting with a new outfit, be sure to tell them you love it. This is a great way to bolster up those around you, too — as your confidence will not be lessened by being around other confident people. On a similar thread, you should use this as an opportunity to call out those who may try to detract from your confidence, such as that one friend who never has anything nice to say.