Preparing to sell your home is always stressful. Whether you are a first-time seller or have been around the block a few times, getting your house on the market successfully is never an easy task. Rather than succumbing to the stress and losing money on the transaction, here are a few easy tips to help you make the most of your upcoming home sale, with insights from Jerry Pinkas.
Get Inspected
The first step to sell my house fast Memphis Tennessee is to get it inspected. Before you can post your house for sale, you need to know how much it is worth. Your house has two main values- a land value and a building value. Together, these make up your total property value, which is the baseline price your house will sell for. When you get your home inspection done, a crew will come in and survey the property, look at both the building and the land, and make an estimate. Once you have that number, you can start thinking about posting.
Before you get your home inspection done, make any small repairs around the house that you have been putting off. For instance, if you have been debating doing a minor remodel of the bathroom and putting in higher-quality lighting, now is the time to do it. Similarly, if you want to update the paint color or tile in your kitchen, do projects like those before your inspection is complete. Renovations and updates influence your value, so be sure everything is complete prior to your inspection. Once your inspection is done, you can get the rest of the selling process underway.
Get Clean
Your next step is to get your property clean. Once renovations and inspections have all been completed, it is time to deep clean the house and land so potential buyers can get a full idea of what they are purchasing. You want your home to be as close to spotless as it can be while you are still living in it, down to minute details like baseboards and fan blades. You may find yourself cleaning surfaces that you have not seen in years, but it all needs to be done before you open your home to potential buyers. So do not be afraid to break out the dusting spray and a few extra garbage bags when spring cleaning rolls around.
Along similar lines, you should take time to declutter your home. Moving is always a labor-intensive process, especially when you have an overabundance of stuff. Getting ready to sell your house is no different. If your home is cluttered, open houses will not go well and prospective buyers will not be able to get an accurate read on what they are buying. It will be far more challenging to sell your property quickly, potentially leading to a decrease in value. Rather than potentially losing money, make sure your home is clean and decluttered before listing.
Get A Team
Finally, get a team of professionals around you before you sell. The first person you want on your side is a realtor. Whether you have experience selling a home or not, you want someone whose entire job is selling houses in your corner to help you out with the legal side of property sales. There are about a million and a half documents you will have to find and sign before you can sell, and having a realtor will keep you on track.
Second, you will want a financial advisor from your bank with you. Buying a house is a serious investment. Even if you are looking to purchase a small home, you will be sinking a significant amount of money into the property. If you have a financial advisor on your side, you can be confident that you are making the best fiscal decisions possible.
In conclusion, selling your home will never be an easy decision or a simple process, but these tips can save you some stress. By following them, you can make the transition easier on you and your family, and potentially save some money while you are at it.