Is your home getting more and more cluttered every day? Are you tired of living in what seems to be a constant mess?
The best way to go about changing the situation is to get serious about resolving the situation.
Once you get serious about getting your home as clutter-free as possible you will be well on your way to feeling more comfortable in your environment. Here’s a closer look at everything you need to know to start decluttering your home.
Create categories
When you are trying to declutter and reduce the chaos you need to categorize and label to stay organized. When you start categorizing it makes it easier for you to get organized faster.
You will have a sense of knowing exactly where everything should go.
Get four boxes and label them so that you know exactly where everything is to go. You can label one box as “toss”, another as “recycle”, “repair”, “donations”, and finally, “keep”.
As soon as you go into a room, declutter by category. This will help you to get things organized very fast.
Add shelves
One reason why a room gets cluttered is that there are too many things and not enough space to put them.
To solve this problem you can start putting shelves strategically in the rooms where they will look natural.
For example, putting shelves in your basement or even in your kitchen can be very useful for packing things away and getting your home a lot neater.
Pick up after yourself
One of the easiest ways to start decluttering your home immediately is to start picking up after yourself. It is an accumulation of many different items that leads to home clutter.
You should make sure that everything in your home has its proper place. When it is not in its place, take the time for a few seconds to remove it from where it is and put it in its correct place.
This is one way you can help to prevent your home from getting untidy, and you can also help with reducing clutter.
Convert spaces
An easy way for you to keep your home from getting cluttered is by converting spaces in your home into storage areas. You can turn these places into storage areas to help remove the clutter from the rest of your home.
For example, you may want to try using the area under your staircase as a storage facility.
You should also consider using a section of your garage for storage as well.
Make sure this is done neatly and that you pack everything in containers and boxes. It should not become an eyesore in your garage.
Another area that you can use for your storage is your basement.
If all else fails you can put some of your clutter in a shed. Making a shed is a good investment especially if you have the yard space to do so.
You can keep all the things you do not use regularly in your home in one place outside. Another option is to get a storage unit from Northern Mini Storage and put away things you are no longer using.
This way you will know that your items are always safe and secure.
Get help
If you are one of those people who has difficulty decluttering because you tend to hoard then you may need someone to assist you with decluttering your home. If you are hanging on to things because of sentimental reasons that are not valid you are going to need an objective person with you while you are doing your clearing.
Call in a trusted friend or family member to assist you. As you go through the items and decide what you need to keep.
They will then do a second walk-through with you to help you decide whether or not you really need this item in your home or if you are just keeping it because of sentimental reasons.
If you do have things that have sentimental value you can always put them away in storage instead of keeping them in your house and increasing the clutter.
Start the decluttering journey
You must start your decluttering journey as soon as possible. When there is a lot of clutter in your home it can make your home feel uncomfortable and take away from the feeling that it is a sanctuary.
Often clutter develops over time and it can be difficult to remove. However, it is possible as long as you take small strategic smart strides.