Top Tips to Win at the League of Legends Game

February 22, 2023

Knowing about powerful strategies to win at League of Legends or LOL game is necessary for players. LOL game is one of the greatest games as it has excellent features that appeal to people.

 However, it is essential for new players to understand the basics of the game in order to be able to play it. Effective tips are undoubtedly beneficial for individuals to play appropriately and win the game. Further, if you are looking for a great platform to play this lucrative game.

Try Out Several Characters

Usually, new players have concerns about which character is the best for them as they don’t have enough experience with the game. It is advisable that they should try different kinds of characters or positions to choose the perfect one for themselves.

The reason is that you will get a better sense of what role is suitable for you if you try more champions. Plus, this way, you can do more practice which is helpful in improving your gameplay style and learning something new.

Understand the Language

If you are a regular player who plays the League of Legends game on BoostRoyal, you might know that most gamers use particular shorthand or acronyms to tell various things during the game. The reason behind it is that this can save the time of players.

Plus, it is a code language that helps the team so that no other person can break this code. Usually, new players may not know about this language, but they should be familiar with it in order to become professional players in the LOL game.

  • LOL-League of Legends
  • Gank- it refers to “Gang Kill,” and it is a surprise attack that leaves opposite player outnumbered
  • MR- Magic Resist
  • CS- Creep Score, it is total number of minions when a champion has killed in this game.
  • AFK- Away from the keyboard
  • KS- Kill Steal, it is used to deal with a blow to the opposite player after a teammate makes more damages.
  • CC- crowd Control
  • Wave clear- when the ability of a player to clear minions wave instantly.
  • Drag- Drag is the code word of Dragon; that is a powerful monster with a huge buff but typically needs teamwork to kill the opposite champion.
  • Leash- It is a technique that is utilized to assist junglers that tackle damages.

All these things are necessary to know as they help them during the game to players. If you really want to win the game, follow these tips. If you want to know more about the game and winning strategy, visit here to get information.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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