Four Expert Tips For Homeowners To Prevent Turf Mold And Mildew

February 24, 2023

Owning a home comes with a lot of responsibility – from keeping the gutters clear to preventing turf mold and mildew. The tips provided in this post will help you keep your lawn looking healthy all season long. Here are four expert tips for homeowners to prevent turf mold and mildew:

Regular mowing and thorough but less frequent watering

Keeping your lawn healthy is essential for creating a beautiful outdoor space and ensuring that it remains free of mold and mildew. Regular mowing helps promote a thick, healthy turf. However, watering the lawn thoroughly, but less frequently yields optimal results. Most lawns only need about one inch of water per week to ensure proper hydration. Suppose artificial grass in National City, CA, is an option for you. In that case, it can be a more efficient way to maintain your lawn since artificial turf generally requires little maintenance and no watering. Artificial turfs can still be vulnerable to mold or mildew if they are not adequately cared for or cleaned regularly.

Avoid using too much fertilizer

When caring for your turf, too much of a good thing can be harmful. Using too much fertilizer often leads to increased turf mold and mildew growth, which can be difficult and expensive to remove. Most landscaping experts will advise homeowners to use only the recommended amount of fertilizer when caring for their lawns, as anything more could create an unappealing aesthetic, even though it may seem counterintuitive. Keep your lawn healthy — strike a balance between providing enough nutrition and not overloading on fertilizer.

Rake up leaves and other debris to prevent decomposition and mold

Regular raking of thelawn can help homeowners avoid turf mold and mildew. Leaves and other debris in your yard can decompose and result in a nutrient-rich environment for turf molds to thrive. Furthermore, moist conditions left by fallen leaves can cause persistent fungal diseases if not removed from your lawn. Removing these objects helps reduce excess moisture, which minimizes the likelihood of fungi growth. Taking the time now to rake up leaves regularly, and any other debris from your yard means having healthy grass later — and avoiding expensive treatment services by landscaping professionals.

Treat mold with a fungicide designed for turfs

If you have mold or mildew on your lawn, the first thing you should do is identify the source of the problem. Is there a lot of shade in the area? Is the turf getting enough air circulation? Once you have identified the source of the problem, you can treat it with a fungicide explicitly designed for turf grass. Be sure to follow the directions on the label and reapply as needed. With a bit of attention, you can keep your lawn looking green and healthy all season long.

Following these four expert tips can help your lawn stay healthy and mold- and mildew-free all year long. Incorporating these routines in your maintenance will ensure you have an aesthetically pleasing and healthy outdoor space to enjoy all year round. If you have any questions about preventing or treating turf grass mold or mildew, ask your local nursery or landscaping professional.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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