Tools That Can Help Your Autistic Child

March 2, 2023

Finding the right toys and videos for your children to enjoy can be a challenge for you as a parent. When they are on the spectrum, you have to be extra cautious that what you give them will keep them busy and make them feel included. From cartoons that have characters just like them to toys that occupy their time, there are products that can improve their skills and they will fall in love with. Here are a few tools that can help your autistic child.

Television Programs They Can Watch

Most kids like to sit down and watch television throughout the day. As a parent, you want to find videos that can teach them values and how to be responsible people in society. Although your child has autism, there are programs that have characters they can relate to or instruct them on concepts they can understand. When you turn on Bruno Thomas and Friends, they will find a caboose that is fun to watch and behaves just like them. Peppa the Pig is a more soothing show that illustrates how a family should interact with each other. They can also improve their speech patterns by following what they say on the screen. To determine which one is best for the little ones in your home, look at what the experts recommend. Ask the professionals that you know for their opinion, especially whoever works with your child. They will be able to explain their thoughts and prescribe a certain amount of time that they should be in front of a screen.

Products That Can Give Them Comfort

There are times when your child needs something that will bring them a sense of comfort, especially if they are feeling anxious about a situation. There are items on the market that will soothe them and are portable enough to take with them. One popular product line is weighted objects. Whether it is a blanket or a stuffed animal, the extra pounds that are inside it can calm the person holding it. There are pillows and other soft things that give off a slight vibration that can relax them as well. If they have a habit of biting things when they are stressed, there are necklaces and other accessories that they can nibble on that are safe for their teeth. Think about what your son and daughter might like and what their habits are. You may want to try a sample of one of these before you put the money down to purchase it.

Toys To Keep Them Busy

Whether you are in the car or listening to someone speak, the child with you can get bored easily. To keep them occupied, they should have something to play with that holds their interest for a long period of time. Fidget toys can maintain their focus and soothe them while they are using them. There are products available that have multiple versions of this item in one unit. There are puzzles designated just for them and can be centered around a specific activity of their day, such as mealtime. For individuals who prefers using a tablet over tactile objects, there are video games that can assist their education. There are academic options that have math problems and work with storytelling. They can enhance their social skills and reenact what they see on the screen with the members of their family. Think about your son or daughter and what they like to do. You can research which products would apply best to their interests and age level.

Tools That Protect Your Child

When you get together with friends and family, it can be a challenge to control the environment your child is in. There are products on the market that can keep them safe while allowing you to enjoy yourself. If you anticipate that there will be loud sounds, there are noise-canceling earphones that will prevent them from startling and upsetting your kid. You would do anything for your autistic son or daughter that will keep them safe, and happy, and allow them to learn. By purchasing items that will keep them safe, entertain them, and provide comfort, you are helping them grow and thrive.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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