If you are willing to experience a few rain showers, your holiday in the Maldives will be significantly less expensive. Peak weather seasons are full and expensive, and so are flights. Consider off-peak or “shoulder” seasons before and after peak season. One or two days of rain would suit me, but being soaked in for the entire trip is not ideal.
November through March are the best months, and according to my calendar, that is now. Wherever I go, I search flights on skyscanner.com. For me, that site seems to look at the most airlines, giving me the most options for my route and dates. Buy your tickets today and get ready to tan in February.
While most consumables, fuel, homewares, and personal needs are imported, however, the local waters are beyond clean, beaches are soft, and the fish bountiful. This 1200 island group south of India has been settled for by the Tamil and Sinhalese peoples. The location and abundant sea life have drawn traders or seen them blown in storms from China, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Madagascar.
Male Atoll has the island capital of Maldives called Thulusdhoo. Atolls are multiple islands remaining on the top of a dormant underwater volcano or seamounts. It impresses me to think of the many volcanos that have lived in this area and their power unleashed.
Those nutrients helped to create vast mangrove forests, which filter the water around the larger islands and provide a sanctuary for schools of small fish to develop and grow. You can kayak and snorkel around the Pullman Maldives Maamutaa Resort, and spy the fish you would like to have prepared for you.
Viligili is one of the larger inhabited islands of the Gaaf Alif Atoll. Investors of resorts here have recently added pools to villas, a teppanyaki experience, and tennis courts. There is a never-ending saga of resorts competing for our patronage. We win in every competition as resorts and amenities only get better.
Faafu Atoll has five inhabited islands and many smaller ones. Nilandhoo is the capital of Faffu and the administrative division for Maldives. It is also the largest inhabited island. The historical sites of Foah’mathi with a Buddhist temple under it and Aasaari Miskey the second mosque in Maldives were built. Ancient peoples from far and wide knew of or staggered upon these islands and some had to stay.
I feel most people would agree, that the best of the Maldives are the sublime beaches and breezes, the clear water, natural life and cultural history. If you are interested in a trip here, you undoubtedly know about the Sea of Stars.
Phytoplankton are the base food source of the ocean food chain. These microscopic lifeforms use iron to fuel photosynthesis and consume carbon dioxide. On the ocean surface as the water ripples and rolls, their bioluminescence will light up and sparkle and appear as though the ocean has become the night sky and make the sand glow. Their flash is a symbol of a symbiotic relationship around luciferin and it is amazing.
This is a different country with rules, most likely, different from your own. Do your research to avoid any offensive and costly mistakes.
- Public displays of affection are actionable. Be respectful.
- One would expect a list of illegal drugs, but this is a Muslim nation, and alcohol importation is strictly forbidden. Resort islands have full services.
- The wearing of bikinis is limited to the resorts as well.
- Use caution in buying corals or any shells to take home.
- No shoes on the beach is an odd rule and it is a shame that people have to be told not to litter in the sea or on the beaches.
Do not harm the sea or sea life. Enjoy, view, be amongst it, and leave it as you found it for your next trip.