
A Love Letter To My Son On His Second Birthday

Joaquín Alejandro Ledesma
January 5, 2017
My Darling Joaquín, On this day at 5:56 PM, exactly two years ago, my life changed forever. As I write this, I will try my best not to cry at the thought of how fast time moves and how much I wish I could turn back the clock, so that I am able to...

Calling All Busy People: Try These Simple Ways To Live More Healthily

Healthy Living
January 4, 2017
With the best intentions in the world, sometimes it can feel like there is not enough time to change our lifestyles for the better. It is so easy to want to make healthier choices, but when it comes to implementing them, we just revert to the same old back habits...

How The Death Of A Family Member Can Shake Your World

January 3, 2017
Although death is a natural part of life that will touch us all at one time or another, we are never fully prepared for it when it happens. Acknowledging death’s existence in no way eases the pain of losing someone dear or steadies us when it is time to say...

How To Create The Perfect Hip Hop Beats

January 3, 2017
Hip hop and rap music have been in the music industry for almost 40 years now. It began with voyaging performers who talked ballads to a playing song. Furthermore, it sounded very much like the hip hop music made today. In the event that you hear a rap beat without the...

Turn To A Vegan Diet Plan For Good Health

December 28, 2016
If you are surfing the internet, trying to find out the best food elements to make you lose weight, then you should also take a look at the vegan diet plan. There are hundreds of low-carb diet charts that the experts say is beneficial for your health. But, to go...