Tag Archives: baby

SoundBub By WavHello: A Mom-Hack That I Love

October 10, 2016
I have made music a huge part of Joaquín's life since the moment he was born. I could tell from a very early age that he really enjoyed it and it brought a lot of happiness into his life. Thus, when I heard about a product that combined music with...

Joaquín’s First Trip (Day 1: Part 1)

Joaquín Alejandro Ledesma
September 11, 2016
While I was pregnant with Joaquín, I saved every single article and blog post in which I stumbled across that had to due about traveling with children. I was determined to start exploring the world with him the second he was born. His baby shower and nursery were both travel-themed and my husband and I...

Jumping For Joy With Springfree Trampolines

Springfree Trampoline Grand Opening In Charlotte, North Carolina
July 17, 2016
Recently, I was invited to the Grand Opening of the Charlotte, North Carolina Springfree Trampoline store. I hope some of my readers were able to make it to the event, as it sure was a lot of fun! Over a hundred people showed up to the event. Everyone I spoke...

Springfree Trampoline Grand Opening In Charlotte, North Carolina

Springfree Trampoline Grand Opening In Charlotte, North Carolina
July 13, 2016
Greetings to all of my followers in the Charlotte, North Carolina area. I am proud to announce that on this Saturday, July 16th, from 12-5PM you will find me the Springfree Trampoline Grand Opening. Please come join us for an interactive Day of Play! The internationally-recognized trampoline manufacturer, Springfree Trampoline,...

A Year And A Half With Joaquín

Joaquín Alejandro Ledesma
July 8, 2016
For some reason, Joaquín turning a year and a half old seems like such a huge milestone to me! The newborn and baby days are gone now and he is deeply into the toddler stage. I am not going to lie, I both love and hate this age. It is...