Tag Archives: Charlotte

SoundBub By WavHello: A Mom-Hack That I Love

October 10, 2016
I have made music a huge part of Joaquín's life since the moment he was born. I could tell from a very early age that he really enjoyed it and it brought a lot of happiness into his life. Thus, when I heard about a product that combined music with...

Andi’s Pick: Charlotte Marriott City Center

Charlotte Marriott City Center
October 9, 2016
Charlotte Marriott City Center: Charlotte, North Carolina First Impression Three years ago, when I was pregnant on my Birthday, my parents wanted me to have a staycation in order to pamper myself before the baby arrived. They booked me a night sans husband at the Charlotte Marriott City Center and...

Joaquín’s First Trip (Day 1: Part 1)

Joaquín Alejandro Ledesma
September 11, 2016
While I was pregnant with Joaquín, I saved every single article and blog post in which I stumbled across that had to due about traveling with children. I was determined to start exploring the world with him the second he was born. His baby shower and nursery were both travel-themed and my husband and I...

Getting Comfydent With Hanes

Date Night
August 13, 2016
Now that I am a mom, I am all about comfort! If something is not comfortable, I will refuse to wear it period. That is why I am completely smitten with both Hanes' ComfortFlex Fit® bra and Cool Comfort® underwear. They help me stay comfortable, and when I am comfortable I feel...

Celebrating National Lighthouse Day With SeaPak

Morris Island Lighthouse
August 4, 2016
If you have been following My Beautiful Adventures, then you would know just how passionate I am about the ocean. Thus, I was elated when SeaPak reached out to me about joining them in support of their partnership with the United States Lighthouse Society by promoting the importance of lighthouse education...