Tag Archives: joaquin

Joaquín’s First Trip (Day 1: Part 1)

Joaquín Alejandro Ledesma
September 11, 2016
While I was pregnant with Joaquín, I saved every single article and blog post in which I stumbled across that had to due about traveling with children. I was determined to start exploring the world with him the second he was born. His baby shower and nursery were both travel-themed and my husband and I...

Celebrating National Lighthouse Day With SeaPak

Morris Island Lighthouse
August 4, 2016
If you have been following My Beautiful Adventures, then you would know just how passionate I am about the ocean. Thus, I was elated when SeaPak reached out to me about joining them in support of their partnership with the United States Lighthouse Society by promoting the importance of lighthouse education...

A Year And A Half With Joaquín

Joaquín Alejandro Ledesma
July 8, 2016
For some reason, Joaquín turning a year and a half old seems like such a huge milestone to me! The newborn and baby days are gone now and he is deeply into the toddler stage. I am not going to lie, I both love and hate this age. It is...

CURRENTLY | 06.20.16

Father's Day
June 19, 2016
Watching | Copa America My husband is, of course, cheering for Team Argentina and I Team USA. What are the odds that they would have to play each other? We will definitely have to watch the upcoming match in different locations though, due to our competitive spirits. Lucas claims he is going...

Getting Real About Motherhood

Maternity Photoshoot
June 9, 2016
I recently read an amazing feature in Glitter Guide entitled, "A Few Of Our Favorite Mamas Get Real About Motherhood." These fabulous mommy bloggers, whom have inspired me greatly, were interviewed and photographed wearing my favorite dress designer Rachel Pally! If I had been interviewed the same questions, here is what I...