Tag Archives: lifestyle

My Favorite Thing In 2016: Springfree Trampoline

Springfree Trampoline
November 23, 2016
Parents listen up, about six months ago, I covered a grand opening event of Springfree Trampoline. From the moment my son met their trampolines, his love for them has not wavered once. Choosing the best trampoline for your child is not the easiest thing to do, as you have to keep several things...

Spending The Day At The Spa At Ballantyne Thanks To Cloud 9 Living

November 21, 2016
I have always believed that experiences, rather than objects, make the best presents. Thankfully, I married a man who believes just like I do and we intend to raise our son thinking the same way as well. One of my favorite companies is Cloud 9 Living, which is the United States'...

An Open Letter To Secretary Clinton

Hillary Clinton
November 15, 2016
Dearest Secretary Clinton, First and foremost, I want to let you know that I have never in my life been more proud of someone that I do not know personally. You might have lost the election and you did not break the highest and hardest glass ceiling, but you have changed...

Hiking In Asheville, North Carolina With Hike NC!

Asheville, North Carolina
November 12, 2016
I have always loved nature. My earliest childhood memories are of me playing for hours upon hours in the woods behind my parents home. As I got older and started traveling the world, I always made certain that I hiked in whatever country I was exploring. Not only is it...

My New Obsession: FlashFrames

November 2, 2016
Once I became a Mom, my sunglasses also became an extension of me. No matter how little sleep I got the night before, no one would ever know, because my sunglasses cover my tired eyes. Plus, they instantly make me look chic and put together (when we all know I am...