Tag Archives: lifestyle

Joaquín’s First Trip (Day 1: Part 2)

Joaquín Alejandro Ledesma
October 21, 2016
Joaquín's first day of his first trip could not have gone better. You can read more about it here. I believe it went so well due to several reasons that I would love to share with others with hope that it might inspire parents to travel with their children too. Why do I...

Guide To Writing An Essay About Life

October 18, 2016
Life is inherently complicated. Writing about it can be equally complicated and even difficult at times. When writing about life, it is important to write about what you know and have experienced. Life's ups and downs, twists and turns, triumphs and tragedies all serve as inspiration. They are part of...

How To Start A Small Business

October 14, 2016
It seems like every time you turn on the television, there is a new program that consists of investors helping out small business owners. There is a reason for this: there are more and more small businesses springing up every day and people are gravitating to programs that explore this....

SoundBub By WavHello: A Mom-Hack That I Love

October 10, 2016
I have made music a huge part of Joaquín's life since the moment he was born. I could tell from a very early age that he really enjoyed it and it brought a lot of happiness into his life. Thus, when I heard about a product that combined music with...

Five Ways To Enliven Your Relationship

September 15, 2016
Any relationship goes through various stages. In the very beginning, we all are immersed in our affection and see the world in pink. However, things may get completely different after a while. How do you make it right and keep the flame alive? Let us figure it out together with our...