My dearest friends, two days ago I experienced a moment that I will never forget — a moment that changed me and therefore I hope will change those who read this post. I have written before about how deeply I believe in the power of synchronicity; my entire life has been one meaningful coincidence after another and thankfully I learned at an early age if you are aware enough you can recognize the reoccurring patterns and then try to discover the meaning behind them. Sometimes, I have no idea, other times it is crystal clear and I feel like it is a reassurance that I am on the “right path.”
At the end of August, the magazine that I contribute for, QC Exclusive, sent me to Banner Elk, North Carolina to review the property Banner Elk Winery & Villa for their upcoming issue. I will write more in the future about this, but for now let me say that while I was at their amazing medical spa getting services I befriended the owners and they instantly invited me to practice Chinese Medicine there once a week. I graciously accepted and this was my third week of treating patients (I am still keeping my clinic in Charlotte as well). I never cared for the mountains and I always chose to travel to beaches instead, however I instantly felt a strong and surprising connection to Banner Elk and the breathtakingly beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains that surround the charming city.
On September 11th, the Chef at the Banner Elk Winery & Villa, Jackie, who is now one of my most favorite people in this world, invited me on a sunset picnic with her boyfriend. They took me to Wiseman’s View for a panoramic scene of the mountains. We were in a hurry, as the sun was setting quickly and just as we were reaching the point where my cellphone would lose its service, an overwhelming feeling came over me that I needed to update my Facebook status and let everyone know that my evening was going to be spent in remembrance of those whose lives were lost on the day that forever changed our nation.
The views of the Pisgah National Forest and Linville Gorge were nothing less than extraordinary and I knew that we had picked the perfect place for the 11th Anniversary.
I have never been one to follow rules, thus we ignored the warning signs and decided to have our picnic on the ledge of the mountain. The sun had already given way to the moon and that is when synchronicity decided to emerge as well; freshly written on the edge of a 1500 foot drop was a message most likely left by the daughter of a father who had perished on September 11th. Tears instantly flowed from my eyes as I took the following shot.
This is one of those times where I know why synchronicity has lead me to Banner Elk and especially why to that ledge, though I am keeping the message to myself since it very personal. Having said that, I beg you with all of my heart to let this post inspire you to live each day with purpose, to always remind those who are close to you that you love them, to celebrate the beauty of life, and to remember that your destiny is greater than your difficulties.

beautiful post. 🙂
Thank you!
i want to go there!! beautiful words Andi.
Thank you sweetheart, please come and visit me and I will take you there.
tears just came to my eyes and my whole body got goosebumps! there is so much more to this life than we know. we are blessed to have each day on this beautiful planet! thank you so much for sharing 🙂
You’re so welcome and I’m glad you were touched by this post and this girl’s message! Oh how I wish I could have hugged her on Tuesday. <3
Wow Andi!! This story is beautiful and sychonistically it is synchronistic in my life right now because I have been paying close attention to strange coincidences…how can you talking about this NOT be a coincidence. I totally know what you are talking about here and I feel the connection! Keep it up!
Yes yes yes this is TOTALLY a sign! I LOVE it!!! This is exactly why I wrote this post. Amazing! Please let me know what else comes from this. XO
Very touching, Andi. It’s a friendly reminder, indeed. Thank you so much.
And thank you for your kinds words!!! XO
Oh Andi, I love this so much. My week has been amazingly, beautifully filled with moments like this that have overwhelmed me. I feel so grateful. You are right, such moments are all around us if we take the time to look and see, anticipating goodness. XO
I knew of all of my readers you would love this the most!!! I’m so delighted to hear that your week was also filled with moments like this! Much love!!!
Very touching post Andi. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you and you’re welcome love!
Your post is both loving & touching. You were lead to that gorgeous site because you had to experience what you did! Just looking at that picture really struck a chord in me. I remembered my dear friend who passed away not on 9/11 but a year earlier. I never got to say good bye or tell him I loved him. So I can’t even imagine what this person must feel like having lost her father like that 🙁
I have become more grateful for each day what is granted and am so happy that i enjoy the present moment.
Thank you so much for reminding us how important this is and for sharing that special discovery.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. Life is just too damn short! I lost my half-brother without being able to say goodbye or to tell him that I loved him and it still haunts me to this day. I’m glad that my post touched you and I hope after your read it you went and hugged your Dad and told him how much you love him!!! Love you!
Oh wow that would have definitely brought tears to my eyes as well. Thank you for passing on your “a-ha” moment.
You’re so welcome gorgeous!!!!! I learned a lot from that experience and I hope others will too. <3
Just what I needed right now! A spiritual boost ..Thank you!!
Wahoooo! Glad to have given it to you!!!
Beautiful post Andi…what an amazing view and great experience that must have been!
Thank you so much, yes it was life changing to say the least!!! XO
I love the Blue Ridge Mountains… Esp since they are so close to our home. What a moving moment… Hope you have a great weekend!
Aren’t they just gorgeous??? Thanks dear, you too!
Beautiful post, Andi! I’m not much for synchronicity, though I believe life is a series of fortunate events that sculpt us as people.
To each their own! 🙂
Beautiful post and a great reminder.
Have a great weekend Andi!
Thank you sweetheart! Have a great one too!!!
Such a beautiful message and a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing your meaningful moment, made me stop and think.
You’re sooo welcome my dear friend!!!
I am so with you on this, the universe sends us in the right direction, if only we listen.
Yes, if only…listening is SO hard when you have a busy life!
What a powerful experience. You know I’m a synchronicity believer after last night! I just kept saying to Rodolfo “the universe is putting this all together for our Cuba trip.”
Seriously, I can’t believe your synchronicity last night with Cuba!!! I had goosebumps ALL over again. Love it! Even if it’s a bunch of BS, I’m a believer haha!!!
Goosebumps. 🙂
An interesting moment for sure!
It sure was Ned!
I’ve believed in this ever since reading that book The Celestine Prophecy years and years and years ago. What a magical moment!!
Awesome book! Changed my life at the time I read it. 🙂
What a beautiful story, Andi. I’ve had a few moments like this in my life and I think of them often. When I was 19 my cousin of the same age passed away very tragically. When I got in a cab to go to the airport to fly to his funeral “Every Breath You Take” was playing on the radio. It’s such a cheesy song but I felt like it was a sign and I think of him every time I hear it.
Awwww thank you so much for sharing this story with me, it really touched me!!! Has the song come on since then in moments in your life where you needed some kind of reminder???
Wow Andi… What an emotional moment that must have been. I’m sure tears would have rolled down my cheek if I was there.
I will NEVER forget it!
Touching post and beautiful post, thanks for it, Andi.
So glad you enjoyed it! 🙂
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Andi I so agree. A life without purpose or passion is not a life. We only end up going through the motions and not actually living. Thank you for that reminder.
You’re so welcome! Glad you found this post from a year ago! 🙂