I was completely blown away when I walked through the ballroom doors. We truly were transported into Wonderland.
A few moments after everyone was seated at their designated tables the lights went completely off and music started playing. Here is what happened next:
Then the parade of characters come to a stop and the Mad Hatter/host for the evening made her grand entrance:
She took to the stage and began the first of many performances for the evening:
By the way, I am totally thinking of wearing her outfit for Halloween next year!
Somehow I always end up being that one person who gets singled out in the crowd. In front of probably five hundred people a character came over to me and tried to get me to dance. The best I would give him was a pose.
The characters decided if I was not going to dance, then they were, and if you only watch one video in this post, make sure it is this one:
Thankfully, they chose a different victim to embarrass this time: my brother. Although, I have a feeling he was actually enjoying his moment in the spotlight.
Once the first show was over, it was time for our six course meal to begin. After our appetizers, we cleansed our pallets with a red berry consomme that was inside of an edible white chocolate tea cup and saucer.
While everyone else was served beef tenderloin, I was given two lobster tails, since I am a vegetarian. Lobster does not exactly qualify as a vegetarian meal, but when in Rome right?
We decided that we needed a picture of the three of us before the clock struck midnight and asked one of the men sitting at our table to help us out.
After he took the picture, this man, “an Indian jeweler from Canada,” decided that it was time to spice things up. He proceeded to take out about $5000 in $1 bills and throw them all over the place. While I was busy collecting as many dollars as I could, he was busy dancing with my Dad.
Of course, when you are tall blond with a bunch of money in your hands you tend to attract certain attention.
Midnight was quickly approaching, thus it was time for dessert (the best part of the feast for me).
And what New Year’s Eve celebration is complete without champagne? In my case, I decided an extra bottle would bring me even more good luck in 2011.
It was now time to head to the dance floor for the countdown. . .

That party looks incredible! What a way to ring in the New Year.
You know, Valparaiso is supposed to be one of the best places for NYE…lots of fireworks, people everywhere in the streets, ocean views…I think it should go on your list as a future destination for your favorite holiday.
I have just made a mental note of that. However, if I come to Chile for NYE, your cute butt better be right next to me celebrating!!!
Fantastic post!!!!!
Wow that looked like some party. What a fun, and unique way to celebrate New Years.
One of the best NYE’s I’ve EVER celebrated!!!
OMG! What a night to remember! The white chocolate tea cup and the dessert are just unbelievable!
And champagne is truly the best beverage in the whole world! I could drink that everyday:)
I will FOREVER remember it and it even got better! I can’t wait to share the next part of the night!!! And yes, I could drink champagne EVERY single day, it is like water to me 🙂
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Oh gosh, I’m just loving these posts. And I laughed out loud at your note to Lucas. What a hunk though. Hahahaha.
Eat Me, Drink Me desserts. Mmmmmmm. What a night.
Haha, I was wondering if anyone would catch that! He was SO hot!!! I’m STILL dreaming about those desserts…
What a party!!! Love the costumes and the food looks delish!
I will NEVER forget that night! 🙂
Wow what a party!!!
The dessert looks amazing and such a cute spin on the Alice and Wonderland theme.
But the white chocolate cup is just amazing. The things people can do with tempered chocolate!
Everything was so well thought out, I was absolutely impressed. And I was SO smitten with the chocolate creation!!!
What an amazing party! Of course, I’m in love with the edible chocolate cup and saucer! Looks delicious! How fun!
It was sooo amazing!!! And I think I had 3 of those chocolate things (I stole my Dad’s and bro’s) haha!
Wow, you definitely look you enjoyed it!
Every single second!
Such a fun post! Normally I skip past videos in posts, but I made an excepion today and am so glad I did! I’m drooling over the menu!
Oh yay, I’m SO glad you watched them! Weren’t they cool? Yeah, I’m not gonna lie, I was a bit tipsy, so unfortunately I don’t remember dinner all too well. Such a shame, because it was spectacular haha!!!
Those dance moves are hilarious! Talk about booty shaking. And in stilts as well! I take my hat off to them. And you totally don’t look like you’re enjoying yourself with the dancers at all. Seriously. Not even for a minute. 😉
Isn’t it amazing how they dance like that on the stilts??? I can’t even dance like that in heels LOL! Yeah, I soooo wasn’t enjoying myself 😉
That picture of your dad living it up CRACKS ME UP. This is about the most fun idea for a party I’ve ever seen. Maybe I’ll bribe my sister’s boyfriend into taking us to his Bahamas house and over to Paradise Island for the party next NYE =)
I’ll bribe him with you!!! It’s a MUST! And wait until you see the next post, I think the champagne REALLY got to my dad after midnight!
Are. You. Kidding. Me.?!
OMG, this looks ridiculously awesome! Leave it to you to celebrate NYE in the most absolutely glam way possible. And leave it to you to be singled out in front of a crowd, lol!
PS. I want to be friends with your dad.
I’m sooo NOT kidding haha! I wish I had taken even more pics and videos, because it was seriously the MOST amazing night ever. But, on the other hand I’m glad that I enjoyed it to the max. Just you wait, you will TOTALLY become friends with my pops at the wedding. He’ll probably flirt with you. 😉
Most amazing party ever!!!
What an amazing trip!
It sure was, thanks!
OMG I am exhausted from reading….what an amazing, amazing event and evening!
Haha, that was JUST the beginning darling!!!
Looks really fun Andi!
It was sooo fun!!!
Your dress was so perfect for the occasion!
Thanks babe, I think so too! 🙂
What a fab party! And I am completely in love with your dress–could not have been more perfect for the occasion!
Aww thanks so much!!! It was an evening I will NEVER forget!
I adore those chocolate cups! And the lobster tails . . . .mmmm.
I could go for both of those now…
Now that’s how to ring in the New Year! It’s as if a 4 star restaurant and Cirque Du Soleil had a baby, and named it Wonderland.
Hahaha, that’s hysterical, I love it!!!
i want some of that dessert tray!!!
btw, i LOVE long posts!!!!
I want some of the dessert tray right now too. It was AMAZING!
When I compare my New Year’s Eve celebration with yours, I want to cry, just a little bit. lol Seriously though: FABULOUS.
Awww, I’m sorry love! Don’t worry not all of my NYE’s have been THIS magical!!!
You will have to tell me where you got that dress from. Really. I’ve got a wedding in a couple of months… and its exactly the kind I want! 🙂
It’s from the 2010 BCBG collection! It’s the same one I wore in my boudoir pics. Take a look on Ebay, as I know another friend found one on there. Good luck!!!
I love love love your Beautiful Adventures! Keep ’em coming!
Thank you kindly! I promise I won’t be stopping any time soon!!!
Another beautiful adventure! The menu, dancers, your dress… it all looks amazing!!! I can’t believe that guy threw around those $1 bills (good thing you were sitting close to him). Did you enjoy all the dancing towards the countdown? 😉
Seriously, this night felt like a dream. There just are NO words to describe how amazing it all was. I think you’ll enjoy the next post!!! 😉
Looks like a great time! I really want to try out that chocolate cup with a warm coffee and see if I can finish before it melts.
Haha, that’s a brilliant idea!!! Have you ever had tim tams from Australia? This idea reminds me of them!
Looks like a blast! I love that white chocolate cup- so cute I wouldn’t even be able to eat it!
Trust me, it was hard to at first, but after that first bite I couldn’t stop!
This is soo cool!! I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks so much for your photos!
You’re SO welcome!
so funny,and you dress is so beautifu,i like it!
Thank you!!! 🙂
This looks hilarious! Though I wouldn’t be crazy about how they single people out in the crowd haha, though you guys look to be enjoying it!
Yeah, I wasn’t crazy about it either, but being a bit tipsy helps haha! 🙂
Wow! I’ve seen quite a few “wonderland” inspired events but this takes the cake! I love the chocolate saucer, amazing detail.
It was insanely amazing, every single detail was thought out!!! They must have spent months planning this.