While high-quality products are certainly ideal in your ongoing quest for clear skin, break-outs are simply bound to happen. If you are prone to break-outs, but remain convinced that you are doing everything right in terms of skin-care, chances are the culprits are right under your nose!
If you find yourself prone to surprise break-outs and cannot seem to find the source of your woes, consider these three incredibly common skin irritants that may be hiding in your home. While they may take some trial and error to uncover, understanding what is causing your break-outs can be a huge “aha moment!” that keeps your stress levels low and your skin looking fabulous.
Beware Of Your Bed
There is perhaps nowhere more important than your bed when it comes to keeping your skin clear. Think about it: your skin spends hours upon hours against the sheets on any given night. Therefore, it is crucial that you keep your bedding clean and invest in a high-quality sleeping space.
For starters, a high-quality bed is a great starting point for ensuring a better night’s sleep and less potential for irritated skin. While beds with a plush headboard may be fashionable, they are very likely to attract dust particles and allergens. On the flip side, an elegant wooden bed that boasts a solid foundation will not trap irritants and will keep you from tossing and turning.
Likewise, consider investing in a mattress cover and regularly wash your pillow cases. A good night’s sleep can be the difference between clear skin and a nasty breakout: if you are looking to eliminate irritants, start in the bedroom.
Make-Up, Shampoo, And Lotions
Although, it may seem backwards, sometimes the products we use to keep our skin clear are the worst offenders for break-outs. Look through your make-up, hair products, and lotions and consider tossing out anything containing the following:
- Parabens, which are plastic molecules used to hold lotions together yet commonly irritate sensitive skin
- Talc, which may potentially clog your pores
- Alcohol, which tends to dry out the skin (including the skin around your hair and scalp)
Even when purchasing “natural” products, read labels carefully and try to avoid low-quality ingredients that are incredibly common skin irritants. While you may have to spend a bit more cash at the drug store, your skin will thank you in the long-run.
Drive Away Dust
We naturally want to keep dust out of our homes, however hidden dust can cause big trouble for your skin if you do not stay on top of your cleaning routine. This is especially true if you have pets — even if you are not allergic to any animals — pet dander and dust can easily accumulate within your home and wreak havoc on your face.
Beyond simply vacuuming, remember to regularly clean your curtains, which dust tends to cling to. Also, consider investing in an air purifier that will collect particles throughout your home over time and replace the filter accordingly.
Although, you cannot avoid all break-outs, there are steps you can take to keep your home clean and decrease the likelihood of encountering irritants. Stay vigilant with your beauty products and cleaning habits of home and your skin will thank you in the long-run!