There are more than enough articles out there about getting your body ready for the summer. Whether you love or hate summer, unless you plan on staying inside your air-conditioned house, you are going to be going out. Whether this is errands like grocery shopping, going out to eat, or maybe even having some fun in the sun with the family. Of course, the summer time comes with hikes, BBQs, walks, sunbathing, and the beloved swimming time.
So, while there are more than enough tips on how to get your body ready for swimsuit season, what about getting your skin just prepared for the summer? Whether you will be in swimwear all season long, dresses, shorts, or anything loose and cool, you’re still going to need to ensure your skin is going to stay healthy. So, here are some tips that you just may need!
Eating Clean
When you eat clean, your skin will be healthy. You will not have any acne or other skin problems. Eating clean also helps you to lose weight. While this can do a lot to your body such as making you feel less bloated or lose weight, it is also going to help your skin out too. You should also drink lots of water and avoid too much sugar and processed foods. Look into eating more whole foods such as fruits and veggies. This does not mean you need to eat them raw, but just eating whole foods that aren’t processed or prepackaged is going to drastically help your skin out.
Exercise And Stay Active
As everyone ages, their skin also ages. While this is completely natural, you would be surprised how much staying active can help your skin. This not only means that your muscles and skin will feel totally fine during with physical activity, but overall, you are just going to feel your best too. But of course, this can only do so much so even looking into help from Ashley Steinberg, M.D. Plastic Surgeon could immensely help you out too. In general, when it comes to healthy skin, and having your skin “summer ready” there will be multiple things that may need to be done.
Get Plenty Of Sleep And De-Stress
If you are lacking stress, have a bad diet, or are completely stressed out, your body is going to show that off. It will always show that off. If you are not practicing healthy habits, then you cannot have healthy. And in a case like this, you will struggle to have your skin summer ready. So, while it may be easier said than done, look into getting more sleep. Try to avoid getting yourself into any stressful situations. This may be one of the more difficult things to abide by when it comes to maintaining healthy skin, as you can always control your environment.
Have A Skin Care Routine
It is important to keep your skin hydrated and healthy, so drink lots of water and use a moisturizer daily to avoid dryness. But, in order to maintain all of this, it is going to be drastically easier to just develop a skincare routine. This on it is own is going to help you with aging gracefully. Plus, having a solid routine will help you out in developing a proper routine to ensure you and your skin stay summer ready.
When it comes to getting your skin summer ready and having your skin stay completely healthy throughout all of the seasons, you’re going to want to do this. Just be careful how you do this as you don’t want to cause damage to the skin. Instead, the goal is to just remove dead skin cells. Plus, exfoliating your skin can have some positives to it. Rather than using a hair removal laser, using something like a face razor or facial scrub can help you out in getting rid of pesky fuzz and dead skin cells at the same time.
Stay Out Of The Sun
Sun exposure can make you look older and increase the risk of skin cancer, so limit your time in the sun and wear sunscreen when you do go out. Yes, even when you are out in the sun such as sunbathing, swimming, or other activities, you are going to want to be careful. You could look into wearing a sunhat, wearing long linen dress to cover up yourself, or even just try to stick to shade if possible. One of the worst things to deal with in the summer time is a nasty sunburn.
Use SPF 30+ Sunscreen
While this is a tip that you should be doing everyday no matter the weather or season, it is especially more apparent during the summer time. Of all things when it comes to having summer skin, you are going to need to always have sunscreen on you at all times. Apply sunscreen generously before going outside, even if it is cloudy or cold outside because UV rays can still damage your skin through clouds or windows. Reapply every 2 hours when you are outdoors for more than an hour. Yes, it has a very uncomfortable, maybe even “icky” feeling to it all, but in the end, it’s definitely something that is needed.
Avoid Using Products With Alcohol
Alcohol can dry out the skin, and who would want to deal with that? Whenever you are cleaning your skin, or trying to incorporate skin care items, just make sure that they are all alcohol free. But of course, if you get scrapes or cuts, it is fine to use alcohol or Hydrogen Peroxide to help clean these. But in the end, just be careful as too much alcohol will zap out all moisture your skin has.
Overall, when it comes to getting your skin summer ready, it is going to be about just taking care of your skin regularly. This alone is going to help you out in looking your best and feeling your best, even in the hottest days of summer! So hopefully now, you know how to get your skin summer ready and know how to keep it that way!

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